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Immunocompromised patients are the most likely to gain from enhanced bactericidal activity possibly offered by lactam-aminoglycoside combination therapy.9 In a comparison of lactam monotherapy with lactam-aminoglycoside combination therapy restricted to patients with neutropenia we found no advantage to combination treatment.89 Although the approach to the management of patients with and without neutropenia is separated in clinical practice, this similarity supports a biological basis underlying our results. Antibiotic treatment is nearly always instituted empirically and is often continued with no isolate to direct specific treatment. Most trials assessed this scenario and do not support a benefit for combination therapy. Clinicians may still opt for combination empirical treatment to increase the probability of appropriate empirical treatment, which has indeed been shown to improve survival.90 91 Current evidence suggests that aminoglycoside monotherapy may be inadequate for infections outside the urinary tract.10 92 93 Thus, for the purpose of enhancing antimicrobial spectrum, aminoglycosides may constitute a poor choice. Combination treatment is considered for patients with severe infections. However, these are the patients most prone to harm by the addition of an aminoglycoside. With no proved survival benefit, combination therapy may be unjustifiable. Several studies, included in the overall and subgroup analyses, directly assessed semiempirical combination versus monotherapy. These, similarly, do not support combination therapy for specific pathogens, when detected.

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