On Thu, May 20, 2004 at 10:28:13AM -0700, Hans Reiser wrote:
>> 2) You could sell the sources and the rights to do whatever you want,
>>    except redistribute it.
>Yes, I think this.

Hopefully people will send in features, then.

>I think 5% of the cost of the storage hardware (including raid cards), which 
>is about $5 for most people.

I'm not sure I follow. Buyers will tell you what hardware they have and
you will price it accordingly?
Good for large customers, bad for individuals...

Maybe user and corporate licenses separately?

>> I understood that a binary-only model would be in the form of a kernel
>> module? It may be the easiest method.
>only user space portion will be non-gpl.

What about the ransomware idea, gpl when enough money is gained?

At the price of five bucks, I won't mind paying even if it isn't
ransomware, but I think ransomware will be more widely accepted...


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