I'll be interested in testing your code. I have an old 20GB HD which I can play with.

Currently, I have a USB drive formatted in NTFS, because, I want it to be accessible by friend's XP machine in case of emergencies. and I would convert it to ReiserFS once your code is stable enough.

having a read only mode is fine with me; write mode would be a nice option, but it's not important in my case.

My impression is Hans doesn't like the Idea, but a stripped down version of ReiserFS driver for windows could be a good thing, and encourages more people to use ReiserFS.


On 5/12/05, Mark Piper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This summer, I will be starting a 3.5-month project to create an
Installable File System Driver (IFSD) to read ReiserFS under Microsoft
Windows, similar to ext2fsd.   (The project is a practicum to complete
my degree in software engineering from  Carnegie Mellon.)

I have three questions:

* Is anyone out there interested in using the tool as it is developed?

* Is anyone out there interested in mentoring the development of the
tool?  (This basically consists of answering specific technical
questions when they arise.)

* Other than compliance to the GPL, are there any other liscensing
factors I should be aware of?

For anyone interested, my initial plan is to port the read-only ReiserFS
3 code from the GRUB bootloader, and turn it into an IFSD using the same
techniques as in ext2fsd -- although I'd love to hear other ideas, and
opinions of whether the project might be feasible with ReiserFS 4.

     Mark Piper

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