One, you were using V3 not V4.

Two, this bug you mention is probably not an fs bug.  rm first creates a
list of names, and then removes them. 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/scratch> touch fufu
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/scratch> touch fifu
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/scratch> rm *fu fi*
rm: cannot remove `fifu': No such file or directory

Your file either somehow got removed before rm got to it, or rm somehow
got to it twice.  Vitaly, can you look at the error handling by rm and
see if it can get to things twice when it hits an error or if you can
otherwise figure this out?  If I remember right, I have hit this myself
for non-reiserfs filesystems, and I never investigated it.

Michael Dreher wrote:

>>>>                                                Not everyone will want
>>>>to reformat at once, but as the reiser4 code matures and proves itself
>>>>(even more than it already has),
>>>I for one have seen mainly people with wild claims that it will make
>>>their machines much faster, and coming back later asking how they can
>>>recover their thrashed partitions...
>>Then please show us some Links/Message-IDs to such postings.
>>I'd like to read them.
>Here you are....
>The following happened to me with reiserfs as it was shipped with
>suse 9.1:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/mytex/konstanz/wohnung> ls
>auto          makler2.aux  makler2.log  makler2.tex  makler.aux  makler.log  
>swk.eps      unilogo.eps
>briefkpf.tex  makler2.dvi   makler3.tex  makler.dvi  makler.tex  
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/mytex/konstanz/wohnung> rm *.aux *.log
>rm: cannot remove `makler2.log': No such file or directory
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/mytex/konstanz/wohnung> ls
>auto  briefkpf.tex  makler2.dvi  makler2.tex  makler3.tex  
>makler.dvi  makler.tex  swk.eps  unikopf.tex  unilogo.eps
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/mytex/konstanz/wohnung> uname -a
>Linux euler03 2.6.5-7.108-smp #1 SMP Wed Aug 25 13:34:40 UTC 2004 i686 i686 
>i386 GNU/Linux
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/mytex/konstanz/wohnung> date
>Tue Sep 21 13:15:45 CEST 2004
>Note the line "rm: cannot remove `makler2.log': No such file or directory"
>There was no data loss, but such a bug should not happen.
>I never had similar experiences with ext3.
>Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce this behavior. 
>> Powerloss, unpluging the Disk while writing, full filesystem,
>> heavy use : No problems with reiser4.. It *is* stable.
>My impression: reiser3 is not 100% stable, but quite stable, 
>written by someone who asks for "review by benchmark".

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