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Theodore Ts'o wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 27, 2005 at 10:19:01AM -0500, David Masover wrote:
>>Given a choice between changing filesystems or getting a Streamload
>>account, I choose Streamload.  (streamload.com)
> *If* you can afford the upload bandwidth to backup over the network,
> and *if* you don't mind these gems in their legal T's and C's:
>       Streamload cannot warrant and does not guarantee, and You
>       should not expect, that all of Your private communications and
>       other personal information will never be disclosed in ways not
>       otherwise described in this Privacy Policy.

gpg.  Was in my upload script to begin with.  I keep my key written many
times on a single hidden CD.  So long as the isofs can be read, at least
one of the copies should be usable.

>       As-Is and As-Available. Neither Streamload nor any User, or
>       their respective agents, warrants that the service, Private
>       Content or Public Content, or Your access thereto, will be
>       uninterrupted or error free, and Streamload's services and
>       both Public Content and Private Content are provided on an "as
>       is, as available" basis. Streamload has the right to make
>       changes to its services without notice to You. Neither

They don't have any billing information on me.  If they charge me for
something, I'll cancel my account.

>       Streamload nor any User warrants that Public Content or
>       Private Content will be free of viruses or similar
>       contamination or destructive features. You expressly agree to
>       assume any and all risk as to the use, quality, performance,
>       accuracy or completeness of any Private Content, Public
>       Content, or Streamload's services.

They are giving you unlimited storage for free.  Even with all of that,
it's a damn good deal.

> And of course, while Streamload is pretty cheap for a minimal account,
> if you have say, a several hundred gigabytes of data which is lost
> when your filesystem implodes, they have you over a barrel and charge
> $$$ in order for you to recover it.  But if you think it's this works
> for you, please, go right ahead.  Just don't come whining to us
> afterwards if you get screwed.

I don't have several hundred gigabytes of dynamic data, and neither does
the average desktop user.  The several hundred gigabytes of static data
I have would be backed up on DVDs anyway.

Now, if we're talking about a sysadmin, then of course you need a better
backup solution -- no matter what FS you use.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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