On Mon, 27 Jun 2005 13:25:14 CDT, David Masover said:

> I was just trying to avoid the "people will never adopt a new archive
> format" argument by pointing out that a similar archive format was
> recently created and adopted.

Out of curiosity, adopted by popular acclaim, or because an 800 pound gorilla
said "This is the format we're shipping <XYZ> in, learn to deal with it"?
(I've seen both happen multiple times in the last quarter century, on many
different operating systems....)

(For that matter, all of my production boxes are backed up by either Tivoli or
Legato, and I haven't a *clue* what format those tapes are in.  As a practical
matter, it doesn't really matter - after the first quarter petabyte or so of
backed up data, you're not going to do a restore without the software's help
anyhow.. ;)

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