Hans Reiser wrote:

PFC wrote:

   Hehe. Wow. Sure, a benchmark that runs in 0.03 seconds for the
fastest  one and 0.07 seconds for the slowest one looks pretty
reliable to me. How  much time does it take to spawn the "touch"
process 10k times ? Hm... I'd  guess most of the benchmark time ?

Let's consider this important aspect of benchmarking more carefully.
So there is an interesting question: how much should be a difference
in order to approve that some fs really wins at this statistics? Is
there any guarantee you won't get, say, 0.05 and 0.02 after next run?
Sorry, but I didn't find any answer in Justin's notes, NOTE5 (Tests
Performed) says that questionable tests were re-run, but it seems we
need something kinda research here instead of re-run.

Below are some comments for how this problem is resolved (1*) in mongo
benchmark. Look for example at this table:
Fractions like 0.982 (D/A), 1.017 (C/A) are in black color, it means
that we _can not_ do any assumptions about winner because
|1 - X/A| < 0.02. What the magic M = 0.02 is?
Let's run the same phase for the same settings (file system, file set,
etc..) 10 times. We will obtain for the same statistics X a set of
different (because of errors) values x1, x2, ..., x10. Suppose that
X has a normal distribution (any objections?). It means that we can
calculate its trusted interval for a single measurement (2*) as
[X - d(P), X + d(P)], where d(P) = D*U(P), D is dispersion and U(P)
should be found from the standard table by any nominated value of
trusted probability P (3*).
Now we have the following simple criterion (*4):

|A - X| >= 2d(P), i.e. |1 - X/A| >= 2D*U(P)/A

|           |<-d->|    |<-d->|
           A                X

The magic M = 0.02 for mongo benchmark was calculated as 2D*U(P)/A
for the trusted probability P=0.85 (5*).
Now it is clear from the formula above why statistics shouldn't be
too small: because the criterion becomes false. I am sure (and it
is easy to check) 2d(P=0.85) is much more then |0.07 - 0.03| as it
is in the case of find 10000 files. By the way, some settings, which
provide a small values (~5 sec) of the mongo STATS statistics also
make this criterion false.

(1*) Maybe this is not a perfect way, but it is better then nothing
(2*) For N measurements the expression for boundaries becomes a bit
(3*) For P=0.85 (as we can found in any scientific book) U(P)=1.44
(4*) One more assumption here about identical distributions of A and X
(5*) Actually D = max(D_create, D_copy, D_read, D_delete, D_dd), where
    D_each_phase was estimated once by 10 measurements with some fixed
    settings by the standard way:
    D^2 = ((x - x1)^2 + ... + (x - x10)^2)/(10 - 1), where
    x = (x1 + ... + x10)/10 is an average value.


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