
On Fri, 2006-03-17 at 10:25 +0000, Brian Uhrain wrote:
> Hi,
> I just noticed that a Reiser4 patch for kernel was posted on 
> ftp.namesys.com yesterday, and I was wondering what changes (if any) 
> there are to Reiser4 itself between that patch and the 2.6.15 patch that 
> was released two months ago?  Does it fix the issue with the periodic 
> (temporary) system freezes during I think background flushes that was 
> discussed previously on the list?  And out of curiosity, is there a 
> specific technical reason why the patch is for instead of one 
> of the 2.6.15 source trees?

There are guys who are using for their product and they wanted
to try fresh reiser4. So we took reiser4 of 2.6.16-rc6-mm1 and
downported it to older kernel.
There are no substantial changes between patch for 2.6.15 and the one

The reason why reiser4 in mm kernel did not get updated recently is that
we are trying here various changes: read/write performance improving, VM
interaction simplification are the most substantial ones. And these
changes are not ready yet to got out.

> Sorry for the barrage of questions as my first post to this list.. :D  I 
> use Reiser4 as the root filesystem on all four of my systems (two 
> Athlon64 laptops and a dual-core Athlon64 desktop, both using x86-64 
> kernels, and a dual processor Alpha).  And I must say, keep up the good 
> work!  Except for the pausing issue with the (older) 2.6.14 and 2.6.15 
> patches--which I've not even noticed on my dual-core system--and the 
> mmap issue (only a problem with VMware, which will hard lock a system), 
> the filesystem has worked superbly for me.  I've been using it for 
> probably a year or more now as my root FS and have not had any data loss 
> or corruptions.  I've even been using it on my Alpha system since I got 
> it about a month ago (a CS20 with dual 833MHz EV67 processors) without 
> any problems--all of the system software from glibc through Xorg have 
> been built at least twice on it without troubles.
> Thanks,
> Brian
> P.S.  If you want any more information on the VMware issue, I can see if 
> it still does it on one of my home systems, and try to grab kernel 
> messages via serial console. 

Yes, please do so.

>  I only encountered it when I first set up 
> my dual-core system at work because I made everything Reiser4, while on 
> my laptops my home directory is in a separate Reiser3 partition.  My 
> workaround was to put the VMware virtual disks on their own Reiserfs 
> partition.

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