On Thu, Mar 30, 2006 at 04:41:40PM +0400, Edward Shishkin wrote:
> rvalles wrote:
> >A few months ago I posted about a problem I was having with kernels
> >newer than 2.6.12.x, where, apparently randomly, sometimes vim or other
> >programs would be blocked for more than a minute, and during the entire
> >blockage, the disk would appear to be writing data.
> >
> >Since I saw talk on the matter, I thought it would be the mmap/fsync
> >performance problem or something like that, and after so much time it
> >would be fixed already, but apparently it isn't yet, which I discovered
> >after building a with the 2.6.16-reiser4-1 patch available on
> >the namesys ftp server.
> >
> >Soon after booting my desktop system and starting X, xfce, etc. I
> >started to wget the latest knoppix ISO and then started to play a movie
> >with mplayer. The movie is an avi ffmpeg + mp3 at about 1mbit/s overall.
> >The described blockings happened again and again during the reproduction
> >of the movie. Now, just to know the format, I played it again, and as it
> >began, it blocked again... not even knoppix is downloading on the
> >background.
> >
> >I got knoppix so that I could boot it, get last reiser4tools and run a
> >fsck --fix on my reiser4 partition. Since now I've already done that, I
> >don't think it helped much.
> >
> >I attach my kernel config file. I'll be very happy to provide any other
> >debug information if it's needed, or to test patches and see if they fix
> >the problem. For now, I'll fall back to, which is the latest
> >kernel I can use which doesn't have the problem.
> >
> >Sincerelly,
> >Roc Vallès <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 
> >
> Hello.
> Would you please try the attached patch against 
> Edward.

Ok, building. Will report in 24h or when the problem occurs, whicheven
happens first.


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