On Fri, May 05, 2006 at 06:28:01AM -0400, boricua wrote:
> running reiserfsck -B bbfile   /dev/hda4 is giving me following error
> "bread: cannot read the block 16 [i/o error]
> anyway aroound this?
IO error means block-layer level failure, that is, physical failure.

In the event of physical HD failure, the procedure goes like this:

- get a bigger partition somewhere reachable (new hard disk, nfs,
- boot knoppix, use dd_rescue to dump as much as possible of faulty disk
  into a file on the bigger partition. Pad not recoverable zones with
  zeroes so that the pointers arent screwed up.
- run fsck on the image you created
- mount and recover.

Good luck.
- Do you study theories? - Oh yes! Theories are fun. - How do you use them? - 
When I must act, theories are too slow. To act, I must know.

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