> Sigh, no, the repacker will probably be after 4.1....
> The list of tasks for zam looks something like:
> fix bugs that arise
> debug read optimization code (CPU reduction only, has no effect on IO),
> 1 week est.  (would be nice if it was less)
> review compression code 1 day per week until it ships.
> fix fsync performance (est. 1 week of time to make post-commit writes
> asynchronous, maybe 3 weeks to create fixed-reserve for write twice
> blocks, and make all fsync blocks write twice)
> write repacker (12 weeks).

Well, this is free software, and is not backed u with a million dollars of 
funding. Trust me, these guys are doing a great job with the options they 

This is not a fliambait, but I personally feel that this is way too great 
considering the resources that the entire team has. I am more than willing to 
wait even though I have had occasional bad experiences with reiser{3,4}. 

The bottemline is that all versions of reiserfs have had great performance, 
even though with its own hiccups (which fs doesn't have ??) and simply put, 
it is a fantastic peice of code.

My mother loved children -- she would have given anything if I had been one.
                -- Groucho Marx

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