On Mon, 2006-09-25 at 21:27 +0200, Nicolas STRANSKY wrote:
> Le 09/22/2006 08:28 AM, David Masover a écrit :
> > Azureus had a problem.  Once it got up to a good clip downloading, it
> > would thrash the disk.  It would thrash the disk, and the system, so
> > hard that even web browsing was difficult, due to disk access being
> > many, many times slower than Internet access, even an Internet which is
> > being hogged by BitTorrent.
> Just to add my 2¢, I have exactly the same problem with azureus + r4.
> Azureus starts to make constant disk writes at ~500-700kB/s when
> downloading a file on a r4 partition.
> I had opened a bugreport for azureus, but it now appears that this
> problem is reiser4 specific as I cannot reproduce it with other filesystems.
> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=575154&aid=1558227&group_id=84122

I get this problem too. I believe I first noticed it when the fsync
trouble started.

Craig Shelley

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