strategie per la comunicazione indipendente

On-line Actions Against NYU Stern School of Business

to repudiate Domingo Cavallo' s appointment - December 12th to the 13th,


Next Thursday and Friday (December 12th and 13th)  you and your computer can
join an online protest.

A protest to repudiate Domingo Cavallo' s appointment as a distinguished
professor at Stern School of Business at New York University.

http://hemi.ps.tsoa.nyu.edu/eng/events/index.html  (Hemispheric Institute of
Performance and Politics) and
http://www.thing.net/~rdom/ecd/ecd.html  (Electronic Disturbance Theater)

<<<Who is Domingo Cavallo>>>

Domingo Cavallo- Visiting Professor at Stern School of Business- New York

Director of the Argentinean Central Bank (1982) during the last Military

Minister of Finance (1991-1996) during the Presidency of Carlos Menem.
Promoted aggressive privatization by a highly irregular process that
weakened the Argentinean economy.

Minister of Economy during De la Rúa' s administration (2001). To "balance"
public accounts, he reduced the already low salaries of the public sector.
The social situation prompted popular uprising and generalized riots against
the government. De la Rúa and Cavallo along with other officers were forced
to resign.

>From April to June 2002 he was jailed for alleged participation in illegal
weapon sales. The case remains open.


While you navigate and/ or work be part of the netizens community that will
be heard through Electronic Civil Disobedience.

You just have to go to the Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics
web page
http://www.hemi.nyu.edu/eng/events/prelim.html  and/ or the Electronic
Disturbance Theater site
http://www.thing.net/~rdom/ecd/ecd.html and by clicking once there you will
be reloading numerous times to Cavallo' s and the Stern School' s  sites.
Many clicks together provoke disturbance in the sites' performance
(without altering their information or damaging them
permanently) This sustained action, while you are connected to the
Internet, will not constitute any risk for your computer, neither it will
affect your activity.

Join us, enjoy a different way to inhabit a global world.

The on line protest begins on Thursday December 12th at 9 a.m (NY time) and
finishes the following day at midnight,12 pm. During that range,
continuously or intermittently, people from all over the world will be
expressing their solidarity with Argentina and their repudiation to those
that are responsible for its current tragedy.

General info on this activism:

http://hemi.ps.tsoa.nyu.edu/eng/events/index.html  (Hemispheric Institute of
Performance and Politics) and
http://www.thing.net/~rdom/  (Electronic Disturbance Theater)


El jueves y el viernes  que viene vos y tu computadora van a dar que hablar.

Protesta on line para repudiar la contratación de Domingo Cavallo como
profesor distinguido de la escuela de negocios de la Universidad de Nueva
Mientras navegás o trabajás formá parte de la comunidad de ciberciudadanos
que a través de la Desobediencia Civil Electrónica se harán oir.

Sólo tenés que dirigirte a la página del Instituto Hemisférico de
Performance y Política http://www.hemi.nyu.edu/eng/events//prelim2.html y/ o
al sitio de Electronic Civil Disobedience http://www.thing.net/~rdom/ y
clickeando allí una vez  estarás entrando numerosas veces al sitio de
Cavallo y al de la escuela que lo aloja. Muchos clicks unidos provocan
disturbios en la performance de los sitios de Cavallo y Stern  (sin alterar
su información, ni dańarlos por completo) Esta acción sostenida, por el
tiempo que estés conectado a Internet, no te significará ningún riesgo de
virus ni afectará tu actividad.

Sumáte a nosotros, participá de una forma distinta de habitar un mundo

La acción comienza el jueves 12 de Diciembre a las 9 de la mańana (hora de
Nueva York) y cierra el viernes 13 a las 12 de la noche. Durante ese lapso,
ya sea de manera contínua o intermitente, gente de todo el mundo estará
expresando su solidaridad con Argentina y su repudio a la impunidad de
quienes tienen que ver con su actual tragedia.

Informacion general acerca de este caso

http://hemi.ps.tsoa.nyu.edu/eng/events/index.html  (Instituto Hemisferico de
Performance y Politica) y
http://www.thing.net/~rdom/  (Electronic Disturbance Theater)


Questo č un sito web attivista di emergenza, una 'escrache'* on line dovuta
alla presenza
dell'economista Argentino Domingo Cavallo alla New York University in veste
di professore in visita.

Siamo un gruppo di allievi e professori che organizzano una serie di
proteste (fisiche, virtuali ed academiche) per sollevare le questioni etiche
ed academiche circa la presenza di questo uomo in un ambiente

Che cosa possono imparare da lui gli allievi?
Perchč la pagina web della "Stern School of Business"
non mostra il profilo politico di quest'uomo e il suo status attuale?
Perchč una prestigiosa universitŕ americana dovrebbe legittimare
un uomo che ha causato disastri nel suo proprio paese?
Puoi unirti a noi.

"Se non c'č giustizia non c'č 'escrache'

Come tutto l'attivismo, anche questo č un lavoro
in via di sviluppo, un archivio aperto. Aggiorneremo
questa 'escrache' periodicamente per informare
sul corso degli eventi e delle attivitŕ

Azioni del 12 Dicembre 2003

- una lettera di ripudio da portare alla NYU

- una protesta on-line di 32 ore (dal 12 dicembre al 13 dicembre)

http://hemi.ps.tsoa.nyu.edu/eng/events/index.html  (Instituto Hemisferico de
Performance y Politica) y
http://www.thing.net/~rdom/  (Electronic Disturbance Theater)

Clikka su Cavallo per unirti alla protesta


Actions gegen NYU Stern School of Business - am 12. und 13. Dezember 2002

Das ist eine Emergency-Website, ein online- "escrache" hervorgerufen durch
die Anwesenheit des Argentinischen Ökonomen Domingo Cavallo als
Gastprofessor an der NYU.

Wir sind eine Gruppe von Studenten und Professoren, die eine Reihe von
Protesten (auf der Straße, virtuell und akademisch) organisiert, um ethische
und akademische Fragen zur Anwesenheit dieses Mannes in den Raum zu stellen.
Was können Studenten von ihm lernen? Warum ist auf der Webseite der Stern
School of Business nichts über den derzeitigen Status und die Politik
Domingo Cavallos zu finden? Warum könnte eine Prestige-Universität einen
Mann legitimieren, der im eigenen Land gescheitert ist?

Ihr könnt mitmachen! "Wenn es keine Gerechtigkeit gibt, gibt es einen
"escrache"! "  Wir werden dieses "escrache" periodisch aktualisieren, um
über den Stand der Veranstaltungen und Aktivitäten zu informieren.

Es gibt 2 Action-Websites:

SIGN - Ein Protestbrief der zur NYU geschickt wird.

CLICK - ein 32 Online-Protest (findet am 12. und 13. Dezember statt)

http://hemi.ps.tsoa.nyu.edu/eng/events/index.html  (Instituto Hemisferico de
Performance y Politica) y
http://www.thing.net/~rdom/  (Electronic Disturbance Theater)

Rekombinant   http://www.rekombinant.org

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