Allan Day <> wrote:
> Here's my attempt to summarise the processes that we discussed in
> yesterday's meeting. I've had to fill in some gaps and make some
> guesses. It's very much a draft.

I was hoping that we would push forward with these new processes for
3.16. Some of them will need further discussion - it would be great if
that could happen soon.

One thing I'm particularly keen to get started with soon is the "roadmap" part.

> Roadmap process
>  * During the planning phase, the Release Team prompts maintainers to
> review their bugs and mark priority issues for the user experience.
> This is done using the target-milestone field in Bugzilla.
>  * At the end of the planning phase, the Release Team:
>  - Reviews the list of target-milestone bugs and marks issues that are
> important at a project-level. This is done with the gnome-target
> Bugzilla field.
>  - Add their own bugs to the gnome-target list. This is done with
> input from the Design Team.
>  - Discusses the list of gnome-target bugs with maintainers, to get a
> sense of whether the maintainer can commit to fixing them during the
> current cycle.
>  - Publishes the list of gnome-target bugs on d-d-l, putting emphasis
> on bugs which need help from outside the module.
>  * At regular intervals during the release cycle:
>  - New bugs can be proposed for the gnome-target. [How would this happen?]
>  - The Release Team reviews the in-progress gnome-target list.
>  - Sends an update to d-d-l.

What I described here is maybe a little over-engineered. The main
thing I want to happen for 3.16 is:

 * Identify priority bugs at the start of the cycle. Allow people to
suggest their own bugs.
 * Advertise the initial bug list.
 * Track them over the course of the cycle, and communicate our progress.

This would be someone like UX Papercuts or Every Detail Matters, but
for the whole GNOME UX, and managed by the Release Team (I'd be doing
the work though).

If the RT is interested in trying this, I'd be happy to propose the
idea on d-d-l and see if I can get some buy-in.

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