On Sun, Mar 17, 2019 at 10:11 AM, Jeremy Bicha <jbi...@ubuntu.com> wrote:
I am reviving this old thread because it looks like Arnaud never
stopped making his changes. He has created separate "maintainer-only"
branches. He makes his release tags and tarball releases from those
branches. This has continued with the dconf-editor 3.32.0 release from
a few days ago.

This behavior is very disruptive to the translator workflow.
Translators have a very reasonable expectation that their translations
(as seen in the master and stable git branches and at l10n.gnome.org)
will make it to distros and users without being "fixed" in a hidden
way first.



Hi Arnaud,

I see:


which seems pretty excessive. You probably wouldn't be very happy if translators starting introducing unexpected changes outside of po/, right? In the same way, the translators would prefer you to not make changes under po/.

Why is this necessary? They can't maintain their translations if you have your own separate translations that never make it into l10n.gnome.org.


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