[Thanks Tom, for bringing this up.]

On Monday 05 March 2007 21:01:59 Cyrille Berger wrote:
> > That's actually fine. We can delay KDevelop release till KDE 4.1.
> can't kdevelop 4.0 be released after 4.0 and before 4.1 ? I mean that what
> will happen for koffice, and maybe other modules (ie kdepim) ? On the other
> hand the dates feel like a rush to me.

I think, given Alex' comment which probably reflects that of other developers, 
that we first would need to define what the release will be. In the past, KDE 
has been frozen as a snapshot and then stabilised. That worked because it's 
been somewhat 'complete' and was never substantially broken. For KDE 4.0, 
this is a bit different. So very generally, to release KDE 4.0, we need:

- libs stable enough 
- a basic set of applications, those need to be stable enough

The questions that arise from this:

- What needs to go in kdelibs before KDE 4.0?
- When is the quality of kdelibs good enough for 4.0? (APIDOX, higher level 
  docs, bug'free'ness?, ...?)
- Do we want to guarantee binary compatibility for the whole 4.x cycle
- How far are the frameworks that need to go in (Phonon is pretty far, I 
  think, Solid does well, Plasma is at the beginning but might go very 
  fast, what about pim?, ...). Can we get a rough estimation when those 
  frameworks are ready to be feature frozen?

- Which applications do we want in?
- Under which conditions can an app be considered for the kdebase? (usability, 
  code quality checking, coding style, documentation, artwork 
  adhering to Oxygen, stable IPC interfaces?, ...)

I think if we have answers to those questions, or at least rough ideas, 
creating a roadmap is much easier.

What do you think? What did I forget in those enums?

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