On 7/11/07, Tom Albers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No, it's not if you read the whole thread. Problem is that this 'release when 
> ready' works great in small open source projects. But when there are 
> hundereds people working on one project, there is no time when everyone is 
> 'ready' at the same time. We have set a schedule, so everyone can get ready 
> at certain times. The schedule is not set in stone, for example we changed 
> the name of beta1 to alfa2 when we felt we were not 'ready' for that phase.

You didn't change the schedule, you changed the name. That's the problem.

> > As a russian saying states, do not call the devil your brother... Why
> > inventing names instead of shifting the schedule by 3 months?
> Hehe, that would be too easy ;-)
> Seriously, in that case when an additional delay happens, we can not do a 
> release party, so we have to be finished before that.
So the only reason is to have a release party?

> Besides, there are people counting on us to release around that time. 
> Delaying the
> release for 3 months would hurt those people.
Who are those people? Some commercial companies?
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