On 2007-12-14 02:40 pm, Alexander Dymo wrote:
> > > The point is that some applications are ALREADY waiting
> > > for inclusion since July/07! That is why I think a
> > > release in April makes sense, it 
> >
> > 4 months after 4.0? that's 2.5 months of development time
> > at best. seems rather short.
> Indeed that's too short. We'll again have not enough time
> to implement new features and we'll need to set up again
> "exemptions", "exceptions", etc. Again we'll need "properly
> marketed" release. Why are we trying to rush? What's the
> reason to rush? 

Just an outsiders point of view, best expressed with least
words as...

 Nov 07, kde4 rc1 = rc1
 Dec 07, kde4 rc2 = rc2
 Jan 08, kde4.0.0 = (rc3 then party)
 Feb 08, kde4.0.1 = (rc4 massive debug)
 Mar 08, kde4.0.2 = (rc5 deep breathe)
 Apr 08, kde4.0.3 = (rc6 with Qt4.4)
 May 08, etcetera
 ... 08, kde4.1.0 = (nirvana)

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