On Monday 05 May 2008 09:46:48 Allen Winter wrote:
> Here's a list of our goals for 4.1.
> Please provide a status update, if you can:
> - Windows port (Frameworks and Applications)
> - Mac port (Frameworks and Applications)
> - OpenSolaris port
> - Plasma with widgets on canvas, makes things like layouting much easier,
>    and generally integrating widgets into Plasmoids
> - Webkit in Plasma
> - GStreamer, Quicktime, DirectShow9 Phonon backends
> - Apple dashboard widgets support in Plasma
> - Decibel VOIP and real-time communication framework
> - Dragon Player multimedia player
>   => This is Done!
> - Lokalize (formerly Kaider) computer-aided translation system
>   =>This is Done!
> - More polished Kopete

Not happening for 4.1. Kopete has next to zero developers ATM. They've all 
been sucked into real life. :(

> - KDevelop and KDevplatform modules
>   =>We should remove this goal, I guess?

I don't know. We tried hard to get to a point of being releaseable, but we're 
not there yet. (or people are too picky). I'll see about pushing the point 
this week.

> - KDE-PIM module, with some Akonadi functionality
> - KBlogger for KDE-PIM
>   =>This won't happen. I'll remove it.
> - Move Akonadi library into the kdepimlibs module
>   => This is Done!
> - GetHotNewStuff2 / DXS
> - Plasmagik plasma packages and add-on creator


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