Op dinsdag 06 mei 2008 17:56 schreef u:
> Am Dienstag, 6. Mai 2008, um 17:17 Uhr, schrieb Andreas Pakulat:
> > On 05.05.08 21:24:52, Andras Mantia wrote:
> > > Actually would be nice to see at least a KDevPlatform release. I know
> > > its hard, but maybe makes sense, just like kdelibs was released before
> > > the actual KDE 4.0.0.
> >
> > Well, we could probably do that, but without any guarantees regarding
> > binary compatibility. Especially not for the interfaces, shell, project,
> > sublime, language and vcs libraries.
> I have a similar problem. I know at least one person which would like to make 
> use of the Okteta libraries (implementing a specialised ByteArrayModel) in a 
> 3rd-party project after the 4.1 release. But I know for sure the API will 
> change for 4.2 again, so I do not install any headers. Right now I had to 
> tell him "bad luck"...
> I did not find an explicit rule for this on techbase.kde.org, just remember 
> the general unwritten rule "ensure binary interface compatibility in minor 
> releases".

>From the policies section:
"In the KDE project, we will provide binary compatibility within the life-span 
of a major release."
> Could this rule be made mandatory only for kdelibs and kdepimlibs?
> So young and evolving libraries could follow the principle "release often and 
> early" and get some more feedback, until they are mature enough to keep BIC 
> till a next major release. Those interested to make use of such libraries 
> would know of the risks and have a reason for still using them. Of course the 
> API documentation should contain proper big warnings.

I disagree. I think it is a must to be BC between minor releases. 

If you want to be bic && public, go to extragear/libs untill you are ready...


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