On Sunday 28 September 2008 06:48:51 Tom Albers wrote:
> Hi, 
> I think we have come to a conclusion, but not to a descision. Let's try to 
> change that. Below you find the proposal based on the various mails to this 
> list. I will wait untill there are a few supporters for this proposal, before 
> posting it to k-c-d and k-d. Improvements are welcome too.

I support this plan.
I also volunteer to help create the necessary CMakeLists.txt files.

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The release-team has decided to change the organisation of the kdesupport 
> system we use. Please read the details below.
> Problem
> ------------
> KDE development is devided in several branches, especially the current stable 
> KDE branch and the unstable development branch in trunk. kdesupport libraries 
> are independant of KDE, but KDE depends on them. At this moment there is no 
> indication at all which kdesupport library should be used for a certain KDE 
> branch.
> We want a simple system for developers to just know for sure that you got the 
> right kdesupport libraries when you want to compile a KDE tree completely 
> from subversion.
> Solution
> ------------
> For each main kde tree we will create a tag. For example for the current 
> stable KDE release we create a tags/kdesupport-for-4.1/. Within that folder 
> there are (cheap)copies of the kdesupport libraries which should be used for 
> compiling the KDE 4.1 tree. For example:
>    tags/kdesupport-for-4.1/phonon/    (svn cp'ed from tags/phonon/4.2.0)
>    tags/kdesupport-for-4.1/strigi/    (svn cp'ed from 
> tags/strigi/strigi/0.5.11)
>    tags/kdesupport-for-4.1/qca/    (svn cp'ed from tags/qca/2.0.1)
> Also, it will contain a CMake file, so all subdirectories can be build in one 
> go. So if you want KDE4.1, just simply checkout this tag and you are done.
> The same will go for trunk, so we will create a kdesupport-for-trunk. This 
> also contains copies to the right version of the kdesupport libraries needed 
> to build trunk. That means developers have a choise: either use 
> trunk/kdesupport where development takes place, so that could lead to 
> breakage in for example kdelibs but you can probably fix them, or you choose 
> to compile KDE trunk with kdesupport from /tags/kdesupport-for-trunk and you 
> are sure kdelibs trunk compiles from it.
> Who
> ------------
> The kdesupport maintainers should make sure that the right version if 
> available in each tag. If they release a new version they update the copy 
> with a simple svnn rm + svn cp. If some kdesupport developers think everyone 
> should just use their trunk, they could just regularly rm+cp the "tag" from 
> their trunk. An svn external would have been more appropiate in that case, 
> but that's unfortunatly not an option.
> When
> ------------
> We would like to have this infrastructure in place at november 1st.
> Tom Albers
> w/RT-hat

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