A Friday 27 March 2009 23:49:32, Sebastian Kügler escreveu:
> > I don't really see why putting Oxygen into kdesupport would mean that
> > users get updates more often. I think it'll work the other way, branch is
> > shipped every month, that means improvements to Oxygen can be shipped to
> > the user usually in less than four weeks. By putting in them kdesupport
> > (which is less visible and might not be updated by packagers along with a
> > x.y.z release) the likely effect is that Oxygen is overall updated *less*
> > often.

I guess it's not the case here, as distributions usually follow weekly 
unstable snapshots as well, so it's very unlikely they will miss Oxygen icons 

On Saturday 28 of March 2009 01:27:58 Nuno Pinheiro wrote:
> Well my issue is another as nothing to do with the issues so far.
> its about control, we are creating a new kde3.x mess couse aplications are
> creating their hown versions of the same icons, and not teling any one they
> do so, couse well they dont have 2.
> second i have alrady done a couple of duplicated icons with slightly
> difrent names couse well i forgot i did icon a for app B and icon c for app
> D and a=c just that they dont.
> i have no idea of how many icons we have done so far no idea of what apps
> are using couse its out of the oxygen directory its scatered all around kde
> svn.

Exactly, that's actually the reason, why in Gentoo, we get some number of 
duplicated icons causing file collisions that need to be handled. Of course, 
usually after some time, they are eventually removed from those packages.
Some applications still ship some icons on their own (I could give some 
examples, like digikam, and used to - koffice). The possible reasons are:
- some application developers don't know whether some icon is shipped already 
with KDE4
- some application developers don't want to assume that KDE4 shipping those 
newly added application icons is installed on user machine, so just in any 
case they ship icons themselves.

The idea, of frequent updates to Oxygen icons in kdesupport (and frequent 
releases) - will work and will give this control over icon distribution - 
provided backward compatibility issues with 4.2.x and 4.3.x regarding icons 
are resolved, and provided 3rd party (extragear/plasma and other as well) KDE 
application developers will respect that way of distributing them. (in short, 
any icon missing or report about icon being duplicated -> contact Oxygen team 
-> icon set updated and released in weekly manner as usual or sth like this - 
so that in effect every Oxygen icon create is in kdesupport/oxygen-icons)


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