On Sat, Mar 28, 2009, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > - some application developers don't want to assume that KDE4 shipping those 
> > newly added application icons is installed on user machine, so just in any 
> > case they ship icons themselves.
> Thats a moot point, any KDE app has kdebase/runtime as runtime
> dependency so oxygen icons are _always_ there.

It's moot, because you missed the point :) Lets say application A need icons
"cool_icon", which will only be available in KDE4.3, but application A is 
before KDE4.3, solution for developers of application A: ship "cool_icon" and 
(forget to)
remove it when 4.3 is available and becomes a required dependency for 
application A.

Cyrille Berger
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