On Saturday 06 February 2010 15:11:24 Sebastian Trueg wrote:
> the big problem is that I cannot reproduce this error.
> Even without the patch queries work...
> I need to look into that when I am back from the FOSDEM.

I can reproduce it with 4.3.98, soprano 2.3.70, virtuoso 6.1.  I asked Sebas, 
and since he got it working he is using soprano 2.3.73 out of kdesupport 
trunk, not the blessed for 4.4 2.3.70 version.  Is the soprano version 

Log extract searching for a file by file name:

"/usr/bin/nepomukservicestub(3215)" Error in thread 139951182154000 : 
"SQLExecDirect failed on quer  y 'sparql  select distinct ?r  where { { { ?r 
?v1 ?v2 . ?v2 bif:contains "'Bread Sauce.pdf*'" . } U  NION { ?r ?v1 ?v3 . ?v3 
?v4 ?v2 . ?v4 <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#subPropertyOf> <http://  
www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label> . ?v2 bif:contains "'Bread Sauce.pdf*'" . 
} . { ?r a ?v5 . ?v5   <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#subClassOf> 
<http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/  03/22/nfo#FileDataObject> . 
} UNION { ?r a ?v6 . ?v6 <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#subClass  Of> 
<http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/03/22/nfo#Folder> . } . } .    
}' (iODBC Error:   [OpenLink][Virtuoso iODBC Driver][Virtuoso Server]SQ200: 
Table referenced in contains does not hav  e a text index)"                     
"/usr/bin/nepomukservicestub(3215)" Error in thread 139951182154000 : "Invalid 
nepomukqueryservice(3215)/nepomuk (query service) 
Nepomuk::Query::SearchThread::run: 5               
nepomukqueryservice(3215)/nepomuk (query service) 

I am for delaying the release until this is resolved.

> Cheers,
> Sebastian
> > Hey Sebastian,
> > 
> > On Friday 05 February 2010 09:10:36 Sebastian Trueg wrote:
> >> Please try the attached patch in
> >> kdebase/runtime/nepomuk/services/storage.
> >> And if it helps, please apply as I am in the train all day.
> >> Starting nepomuk will take a long time probably since the whole index
> >> needs to be rebuilt.
> > 
> > That doesn't seem to help. (I've only rebuilt/installed that particular
> > directory.)
> > The error is apparently the same still. I've attached an updated log from
> > my
> > nepomukserver (gave it some time to start up, the initial CPU load had
> > definitely
> > settled).
> > 
> > I'll be on IRC all day and tonight, you can catch me there (or by email,
> > of course).
> > 
> >> Sebastian Trueg wrote:
> >> > yeah... damn, apparently the text index is not enabled by default
> >> > anymore. Still was in 6.0.x snapshots I had.
> >> > This is fixed with a simple patch to the storage service though.
> >> > Maybe we need to port that back to the 4.4.0 tag, too.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > --
> > sebas
> > 
> > http://www.kde.org | http://vizZzion.org | GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9
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