You said KDE 4.3.98 aka rc3. It is solved in trunk, the branch, and the
4.4.0 tag.

Will Stephenson wrote:
> On Monday 08 February 2010 21:39:43 you wrote:
>> well, the index problem already is resolved.
> Sorry, I should have said that I started with a clean apps/nepomuk - no 
> conversion.  If you said the index problem resolved on the basis of Sebas' 
> experience, I'm afraid mine contradicts that.
> Will
>> A real showstopper is the dbus problem though.... :(
> Yuck.
>> Cheers,
>> Sebastian
>> Will Stephenson wrote:
>>> On Saturday 06 February 2010 15:11:24 Sebastian Trueg wrote:
>>>> the big problem is that I cannot reproduce this error.
>>>> Even without the patch queries work...
>>>> I need to look into that when I am back from the FOSDEM.
>>> I can reproduce it with 4.3.98, soprano 2.3.70, virtuoso 6.1.  I asked
>>> Sebas, and since he got it working he is using soprano 2.3.73 out of
>>> kdesupport trunk, not the blessed for 4.4 2.3.70 version.  Is the
>>> soprano version relevant?
>>> Log extract searching for a file by file name:
>>> "/usr/bin/nepomukservicestub(3215)" Error in thread 139951182154000 :
>>> "SQLExecDirect failed on quer  y 'sparql  select distinct ?r  where { { {
>>> ?r ?v1 ?v2 . ?v2 bif:contains "'Bread Sauce.pdf*'" . } U  NION { ?r ?v1
>>> ?v3 . ?v3 ?v4 ?v2 . ?v4
>>> <> <http://
>>>> . ?v2 bif:contains "'Bread
>>> Sauce.pdf*'" . } . { ?r a ?v5 . ?v5  
>>> <>
>>> < 
>>> 03/22/nfo#FileDataObject> . } UNION { ?r a ?v6 . ?v6
>>> <  Of>
>>> <> . } .
>>> } . }' (iODBC Error:   [OpenLink][Virtuoso iODBC Driver][Virtuoso
>>> Server]SQ200: Table referenced in contains does not hav  e a text
>>> index)"
>>> "/usr/bin/nepomukservicestub(3215)" Error in thread 139951182154000 :
>>> "Invalid iterator."
>>> nepomukqueryservice(3215)/nepomuk (query service)
>>> Nepomuk::Query::SearchThread::run: 5
>>> nepomukqueryservice(3215)/nepomuk (query service)
>>> Nepomuk::Query::SearchCore::slotFinished:
>>> I am for delaying the release until this is resolved.
>>> Will
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Sebastian
>>>>> Hey Sebastian,
>>>>> On Friday 05 February 2010 09:10:36 Sebastian Trueg wrote:
>>>>>> Please try the attached patch in
>>>>>> kdebase/runtime/nepomuk/services/storage.
>>>>>> And if it helps, please apply as I am in the train all day.
>>>>>> Starting nepomuk will take a long time probably since the whole index
>>>>>> needs to be rebuilt.
>>>>> That doesn't seem to help. (I've only rebuilt/installed that particular
>>>>> directory.)
>>>>> The error is apparently the same still. I've attached an updated log
>>>>> from my
>>>>> nepomukserver (gave it some time to start up, the initial CPU load had
>>>>> definitely
>>>>> settled).
>>>>> I'll be on IRC all day and tonight, you can catch me there (or by
>>>>> email, of course).
>>>>>> Sebastian Trueg wrote:
>>>>>>> yeah... damn, apparently the text index is not enabled by default
>>>>>>> anymore. Still was in 6.0.x snapshots I had.
>>>>>>> This is fixed with a simple patch to the storage service though.
>>>>>>> Maybe we need to port that back to the 4.4.0 tag, too.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> --
>>>>> sebas
>>>>> | | GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9
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