El dimarts, 16 d’abril del 2024, a les 0:56:57 (CEST), Heiko Becker va 
> On Sunday, 14 April 2024 23:48:37 CEST, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> > El dimecres, 27 de març del 2024, a les 9:23:54 (CEST), Plata va escriure:
> >> Generally, I think the reasoning makes sense. However, in the case of
> >> Kalm, I don't think it's required. If you look at the app, it's pretty
> >> simplistic (intentionally, due to its purpose).
> >> 
> >> Therefore, I would prefer to just get it out to the public to
> >> eventually ...
> > 
> > The dependency freeze for KDE Gear 24.05 is this thursday, it
> > would be good if
> > we get some tie breaking comment here so far we have two votes (the person
> > proposing it for yes "obvious, so only gets 0.5 value for yes")
> > and (me voting
> > 0.5 against).
> To be honest, I don't feel very decisive about this one. For me it seems
> even a tad too simple for monthly releases. On the other hand, it doesn't
> have any insane dependencies and is well behaved, so in absence of other
> rules I'll add my +0.1.

Ok, so with your 0.1 the answer, this is a "yes" and I've added it to the 


> Regards,
> Heiko

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