The use of the term "fundamentalist" is not inherently uncivil or disreputable. Many people are fundamentalists and describe themselves that way. I have a pack of relatives like that. Other relatives are not, however.

But I agree that the term can be misused and applied to many who are not. Most Christians I know, like most Jews and Muslims are not fundamentalists. But some are. Including some who do not like the term, but whose views track with those who use the term to describe themselves.


On Friday, April 9, 2004, at 03:02 PM, Rick Duncan wrote:

I agree completely with Frank about use of words like
"homophobe" to label people with whom we disagree.

I used the word "Christophobe" to illustrate that
Prof. Newsom's own reasoning would lead one to
conclude that he himself was guilty of being some kind
of "phobe." I should have made clear that I intended
this limited use of the term.

Another term that gets misused a lot both on this list
and, more often, in the media is "Fundamentalist."
When this word is used to label people, who do not
themselves identify as "Fundamentalists," for the
purpose of marginalizing their arguments, it is
similarly "uncivil and disreputable."

Rick Duncan

--- Francis Beckwith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
One could say, in response to Michael, that his
beliefs prevent him from
affirming the value of "homophobes."  Of course, he
thinks that judging
homosexuality as immoral is a mistaken point of
view, a disorder one may
say.  But I don't recall ever coming across the
argument that establishes
the unquestioned veracity of this conclusion.

It seems to me that to call someone a name in
replacement of an actual
argument is uncivil and disreputable.  So, let me
suggest that we refrain
from using terms that carry no intellectual freight,
such as "homophobe" or
"Christophobe."  Let's be a little less logophobic.


On 4/9/04 8:23 AM, "Rick Duncan"

--- Newsom Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
No, I didn't miss the point.  The employee's
religious beliefs prevent
him from affirming the value of gay people.  I
that homophobia.

It sounds like your ideological beliefs prevent
from affirming the value of Christians who believe
that homsexuality is a serious moral disorder. I
that Christophobia and religious bigotry.

Rick Duncan

===== Rick Duncan Welpton Professor of Law University of Nebraska College of Law Lincoln, NE 68583-0902

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===== Rick Duncan Welpton Professor of Law University of Nebraska College of Law Lincoln, NE 68583-0902

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