In Cutter, the Court starts its analysis by flatly
stating that the Establishment Clause "commands a
separation of Church and State."

Given the considerable effort in conservative legal
circles to discredit the separation doctrine,* how
notable do people think it is that Chief Justice
Rehnquist and Justices Scalia and Thomas all joined
the Court's opinion in Cutter?  

And where does a unanimous Supreme Court decision
reaffirming the separation principle leave the
"separation-is-a-liberal-activist-myth" movement?  

A doctrine unanimously adopted by the Court in the
post-WWII era and unanimously reaffirmed by the
Rehnquist Court would seem difficult to pin on liberal

* See, e.g., Robert Bork's review of Philip
Hamburger's book, in which Bork concludes:  "As
constitutional doctrine, the [separation] myth should
be viewed with contempt."

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