Rick's question below proceeds from a false premise; public school
classrooms are not the public square.  None of the posts have suggested
that ID should be banned from the public square; the first amendment
pretty obviously would forbid that, and on that point I suspect we would
all agree.

I see no evidence that anyone is seeking to suppress ID.  What I have seen
is a concerted effort to debunk ID's claim to be science.  Were ID
presented simply as a matter of religious faith, it would engender no
controversy, but then no plausible argument could be made for including it
as part of a science curriculum.  The controversy over ID isn't about
religious faith; it's about the introduction of poorly disguised religious
doctrine into a science class.  The place to teach the controversy is in a
course that explores the role of the religion clauses in our system of
government, not in a science class.

Michael R. Masinter                     3305 College Avenue
Professor of Law                        Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314
Nova Southeastern University            (954) 262-6151 (voice)
Shepard Broad Law Center                (954) 262-3835 (fax)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                       Chair, ACLU of Florida Legal Panel

On Fri, 19 Aug 2005, Rick Duncan wrote:

> Mark and Sandy are just making my 1A point for me. They ridicule and
> disparage ID in an attempt to marginalize it and keep it out of the
> public square. Let me put the question this way for Sandy and Mark: Do
> they really believe it would violate the EC for a public school to
> assign, say, Behe's Darwin's Black Box for a high school science
> class? Is this really the same thing as wanting to teach "malevolent
> design" or "the Protocols of the Elders of Zion" in public school?  
> It just makes me all the more certain that the attempt to suppress ID
> is merely a product of cultural power. Phil Johnson calls "scientific
> naturalism" the new "established religious philosophy of America" and
> goes on to say that "like the old [established] philosophy, the new
> one is tolerant only up to a point, specifically the point where its
> own right to rule the public square is threatened." He continues: "The
> establishment of a particular religious philosophy does not imply that
> competing philosophies are outlawed, but rather that they are
> relegated to a marginal position in private life. The marginalization
> is most effective when formal; government actions are supplemented by
> a variety of intimadating acts by nongovernmental institutions such as
> the news media."
>  I think Phil is right. His book, Reason in the Balance, is still my
> "must read" for college students thinking about law school.
> Cheers, Rick
> Rick Duncan 
> Welpton Professor of Law 
> University of Nebraska College of Law 
> Lincoln, NE 68583-0902
> "When the Round Table is broken every man must follow either Galahad or 
> Mordred: middle things are gone." C.S.Lewis, Grand Miracle
> "I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or 
> numbered."  --The Prisoner
> ---------------------------------
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