Interesting case, Rick. Thanks for posting it.  I wish that the media and the right wing pundits would accurately state the law about religion at schools -- then maybe fewer people would misunderstand it.  And I sure wish that administrators would be told the right rules in a way that they would understand and remember them.

But I hope you recognize that the instances of teachers injecting their religious views into school and classrooms and educational situations and sporting events and assemblies are also legion.

Most of these errors get corrected by letters and advocacy short of going to court - as they should be.


On Oct 31, 2005, at 1:04 PM, Rick Duncan wrote:

Here is an interesting report, from the Alliance Defense Fund, about a recent case of censorship directed at students participating in "See You at the Pole" day:


Prof. Steven D. Jamar                                     vox:  202-806-8017

Howard University School of Law                           fax:  202-806-8428

2900 Van Ness Street NW                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Washington, DC  20008 

"For all men of good will May 17, 1954, came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of enforced segregation. . . . It served to transform the fatigue of despair into the buoyancy of hope."

Martin Luther King, Jr., in 1960 on Brown v. Board of Education

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