--- Paul Diamond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ...  All three classified homosexuality as a 'sin',
> but were Biblical (if 
> crude), but with no incitement to violence or
> 'fighting words'.

> ...  It is simply an overt attempt to weaken Judeo
> Christian morality for a 
> new social order.

     OK... while I certainly do not support the "hate
speech" prosecutions and find the laws very
problematic indeed, I must comment on the above

     There is no one monolithic "Judeo-Christian"
(sic) morality".  There are literally dozens of
different branches and sub-sects of both Judaism and
Christianity, all with differing interpretations of
the Bible and various Biblical passages, and differing
takes on which passages are more important or more to
be followed literally, etc.  Case in point: many
Xtians who rail against homosexuality as an
"abomination" based on Leviticus 18, will eat pork,
shellfish, and other foods considered "abominations"
according to Leviticus 11.

     And more specifically, there is no one way in
which all Jews and Christians view homosexuals and
homosexuality.  Several major branches of both
religions (e.g. Unitarians and Reform Jews) are in
fact quite accepting of homosexuality, welcome gay men
and women as full participating members, and openly
oppose anti-gay bigotry as a mandate of their faith
(the Reform Jewish body, the Union of American Hebrew
Congregations, stated publically that "In accordance
with the teaching of Reform Judaism that all human
beings are created 'Betselem elohim' (in the divine
image), Reform Judaism has strongly condemned
discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation"). 
It would be quite arrogant to classify entire branches
of faith-belief as "immoral".  Those religions which
accept gays and condemn anti-gay bigotry, are doing so
as an expression of THEIR understanding of "morality".
 And the mandate for members of these faiths would be
to speak out against the views of the preachers who
rail against gays as "abominable" or "sinners". 

     Hate speech should not be outlawed, it should be
countered by anti-hate speech.  


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