Hmmm. The Bard might have said: "The judge doth
protest too much, methinks."

Rick Duncan

--- Ann Althouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I liked the anticipation, in the end, that he'd be
> called activist  
> and how he dealt with it:
> "Those who disagree with our holding will likely
> mark it as the  
> product of an activist judge. If so, they will have
> erred as this is  
> manifestly not an activist Court. Rather, this case
> came to us as the  
> result of the activism of an ill-informed faction on
> a school board,  
> aided by a national public interest law firm eager
> to find a  
> constitutional test case on ID, who in combination
> drove the Board to  
> adopt an imprudent and ultimately unconstitutional
> policy. The  
> breathtaking inanity of the BoardÂ’s decision is
> evident when  
> considered against the factual backdrop which has
> now been fully  
> revealed through this trial. The students, parents,
> and teachers of  
> the Dover Area School District deserved better than
> to be dragged  
> into this legal maelstrom, with its resulting utter
> waste of monetary  
> and personal resources."
> Ann Althouse
> On Dec 20, 2005, at 10:33 AM, Paul Finkelman wrote:
> > Perhaps it is a holiday gift for those who
> celebrate the  
> > anniversary of the birth of the son of the
> intelligent designer but  
> > don't think that the intelligent design plan was
> really a science  
> > project?
> >
> > Which leads me to the quesiton, isn't the whole
> concept of  
> > "intelligent design" ultimately blasphemous, and
> shouldn't people  
> > who are biblical literalists be more offended by
> "intelligent  
> > design" than evolution? After all, evolution
> simply says ignore (or  
> > believe in) scripture as you choose, but here is
> the "science."   
> > But, advocates of "intelligent design" argue for a
> religious basis  
> > for change and the development of the earth that
> is clearly at odds  
> > with scripture.
> >
> > Is the push for "intelligent design" sort of like
> the outcome in  
> > Lynch v,. Donnelly -- that in order to get
> religion on the public  
> > square you have to mock it by cluttering the
> nativity scene with  
> > clowns candy canes and Santa Claus?  Thus, in oder
> to get religion  
> > into the science class you hae to reject the
> scriptural account of  
> > creation and offer some sort of faux theory of
> religion that is  
> > neither religious nor scientific.
> >
> > Paul Finkelman
> >
> > Ed Brayton wrote:
> >> If you can't get the decision from the court's
> website, it is  
> >> available at:
> >>
> >> It's a big, big win for the plaintiffs. A very
> broad ruling,  
> >> exactly what the plaintiffs wanted.
> >> Ed Brayton
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> >
> > -- 
> > Paul Finkelman
> > Chapman Distinguished Professor
> > University of Tulsa College of Law
> > 3120 East 4th Place
> > Tulsa, Oklahoma  74104-2499
> >
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Rick Duncan 
Welpton Professor of Law 
University of Nebraska College of Law 
Lincoln, NE 68583-0902
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