Okay, here's one attempt to get back on track...

As I recall, the original request that tripped off this fascinating
diversion into biblical authority was for a scholarly work examining
polygamy in the Judeo-Christian tradition.

Aside from the various arguments that have been raised here about what
the Bible does (or does not) say, and how to (or not to) interpret
those sayings (or lack thereof), does anyone have any specific
suggestions for a "scholarly work" on the subject of polygamy?

I did a quick search for "polygamy" at www.cokesbury.com -- publishing
house of the United Methodist Church -- and found several works about
polygamy in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (commonly
called "Mormons").
Although some may argue whether Mormons are within the Christian
tradition (many Christian churches do not recognize CJCLDS as being
"Christian"), my guess is that several of the works I found at that
site would at least address the bibical and theological arguments for
and against polygamy.

Just guessing here, but it seems to me that the absence of much on the
subject reflects certain assumptions from the New Testament emphasis
on "husband of one wife" and all.  Polygamy appears to have been
assumed in much of the Hebrew Scriptures (a.k.a. "Old" Testament), but
seems to have dropped off the scope for most of the New Testament

Good luck with your research!

        Bill Wildhack
        PCUSA minister, Navy chaplain, and Florida lawyer

On 9/1/06, Christopher C. Lund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Pardon the Friday interruption, but can anyone recommend a scholarly work
examining Judeo-Christian arguments against polygamy?

Thanks in advance,

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