That's actually rather amusing.  The House -- which passed a bill that would have prescribed that chaplains would have the "prerogative" to pray "according to the dictates of their conscience" -- actually receded in conference.  That is to say, the Senate conferees prevailed, and therefore the law contains no such prescription
But then the conferees purport to "driect" the Secretary of the Air Force to rescind the recent policy.  This is not a "direction" of Congress, let alone a duly enacted law, and it has no operative legal effect.
Besides which, for the chaplains in their official capacities to engage in public prayer "in Jesus's name" would violate the Establishment Clause, and thus could not be "prescribed," even by statute.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2006 3:14 PM
Subject: Victory for Military Chaplains Who Pray "In Jesus Name"

Although Congress didn't pass new legislation, they did order SECNAV and SECAF to rescind their recent (illegal) policies that required "non-sectarian" the controversial Air Force Guidelines (and Navy policy) are now TOTALLY RESCINDED, and military chaplains are free to pray "in Jesus name" in any public setting. 
The official Senate/House conference report language can be read here:
In Jesus name,
Chaplain Klingenschmitt
719-360-5132 cell
To:  National Desk
Contact: Wanda Sanchez, 209-534-9921, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
or Chaplain Klingenschmitt, 719-360-5132, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
WASHINGTON DC, Sept. 30th /Christian Newswire/ -- 1) Navy and Air Force Chaplains free to pray "in Jesus name" again. 2) Congress orders Secretary of the Navy to rescind "non-sectarian" prayer policy. 3) Congress orders Secretary of the Air Force to rescind "guidelines concerning the exercise of religion."
After months of fighting the Navy’s "non-sectarian" prayer policy, Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt rejoiced on Friday as the U.S. Congress took decisive action to overturn recent Navy and Air Force policies that required "non-sectarian" prayers.
"Praise be to God, military chaplains can once again pray freely in Jesus name!" Klingenschmitt declared victory. "Although this fight may have cost my career and my pension, it was well worth it, because now at least other chaplains will be given the same religious liberty I was denied."
While Senator John Warner blocked language in the Defense Authorization Act to let chaplains pray according to their conscience, Congressman Duncan Hunter held firm and secured non-negotiable language in the "Conference Report" forcing the Navy and Air Force to rescind their "non-sectarian" prayer policies.
The official conference report language can be read here:
Janet Folger, Founder and President of Faith To Action, declared victory as well: "This conference report has teeth. It restores freedom of speech to military chaplains, it restores the law since 1860 that traditionally let chaplains pray in Jesus name in any setting, and it serves a swift rebuke to Secretary of the Navy Donald C. Winter. He’s now been ordered by Congress to rescind his illegal policy, and stop his censorship of chaplains’ prayers. Winter is over, it’s Summer again, for chaplains who pray in Jesus name."
Klingenschmitt also believes this policy change will overturn his recent court-martial conviction. "When my court-martial judge ruled that wearing my uniform during ‘public worship’ is only safe inside Sunday chapel, but that ‘worshipping in public’ in uniform can be criminally punished if you disobey orders, he based his ruling on SECNAVINST 1730.7C, that same illegal policy Congress just rescinded. That proves my commander’s original order was ‘unlawful,’ and my court-martial verdict is now legally unenforceable."
Klingenschmitt has already written to Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, read here:
To schedule an interview with Chaplain Klingenschmitt or Janet Folger, contact Wanda Sanchez, 209-534-9921, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
or Chaplain Klingenschmitt, 719-360-5132, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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