Isn't the whole point of the EC that the government cannot be permitted
to be a "willing speaker" when it comes to God-talk?  And isn't this the
reason why a per se analysis is more consistent with that purpose than
any compelling interest test might be?  The EC contains its own
compelling interest, doesn't it?  And isn't that compelling interest
essentially freedom FROM religion?  (Why, for the sake of discussion,
should X's freedom OF religion trump Y's freedom FROM religion?  And
isn't it true, therefore, that large claims of freedom OF religion, of
Free Exercise, should be viewed with a great deal of suspicion
especially given the categorical nature of the EC, of freedom FROM
religion, whereas there is no comparable categorical freedom OF
religion?  Of course my Protestant Empire thesis provides a useful way
of assessing both freedom FROM and freedom OF religion claims.  I have
another Protestant Empire piece coming out shortly which looks at this
problem in part through the lens or prism of proselytizing in the public
schools and elsewhere.) 


Isn't it also true, therefore, that to characterize the objection to the
display as a "heckler's veto" begs the question to be decided?  If the
government cannot be a willing speaker then the "censor" is not the
"heckler" but is the EC itself.  It is interesting to recall that the
pre-Incorporation common school religion cases divided on this point.
The state courts that upheld prayer and Bible reading in public schools
almost always characterized the objectors as "hecklers."  The minority
of state courts that struck down or limited these practices never used
such terminology in describing those who objected to these religious


Was the pre-Incorporation state court minority right when it struck down
or limited Bible reading and prayer in the public schools? Were Engel
and Schempp correctly decided?



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rick Duncan
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2007 5:14 PM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
Subject: RE: EC & Compelling Interest


Of course, one of the problems with a compelling interest test is no one
really knows what interests are extraordinarily important and which are
less so. And different folks may have different scales of importance.


In the case of a holiday display, one could view this as a case
involving a willing speaker (the county govt) and a willing audience
(those who wish to enjoy the holiday expression) who are being censored
by a heckler's veto under the EC. I think it is important that govt
speech be available to those who wish to receive it. Is it
"extraordinarily important?" I don't know. I would at least like to see
the Ct apply the compelling interest test and explain why this
speech/non-censorship interest is not important.


Alternatively, the compelling interest in such cases might be the govt's
strong interest in diversity and equal regard for religious citizens in
a pluralistic public square. If all sorts of secular holidays are
celebrated in the public square (gay pride, cinco de mayo, Columbus Day,
pork producers day, etc), many people of faith might well feel
disrespected and deeply injured by being the only subgroups in the
community whose holidays are not celebrated.


And what about the compelling interest of school officials to decide
which curriculum best meets the needs of students in the public schools
trumping EC attacks on ID, music curriculum, and the Pledge of


Just some thoughts. I don't think these cases are as easy as Eugene
seems to think they are, because what may not seem important to some may
seem very important to others. And the fact that the Ct doesn't even
play the game suggests that maybe the reason is that there is no game to
be played because the EC applies as a categorical rule without a
balancing test.


Rick Duncan

"Volokh, Eugene" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

        Rick: You might well be right, but it's hard to tell without
        some cases that test our sense of this, by coming out
differently under
        strict scrutiny than under per se invalidation. It's hard to see
        compelling interest behind government holiday displays -- one
can surely
        argue that endorsement shouldn't be seen as implicating the
        Establishment Clause, but it's harder to say that it does
implicate it
        but that it's just extraordinarily important to allow it.
        From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rick
        Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2007 4:45 PM
        To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
        Subject: RE: EC & Compelling Interest
        When the Ct strikes down a law under the EC, it usually declares
        the law unconstitutional w/out any type of "scrutiny." Why
doesn't the
        Ct at least go through the motions of applying the compelling
        test? Is the EC an absolute, categorical rule prohibiting laws
        establish religion?
        Take the Nativity display in Allegheny County--should the county
        govt argue that it has a compelling interest in recognizing that
        persons are willing recipients of the county's speech
recognizing that
        some of its citizens are celebrating a religious holiday on Dec
25? Why
        should the Pl, whose liberty is not in any way restricted by a
        holiday display, have the right to censor a display that means a
        deal to others in the community who wish to view the display?
Why not at
        least analyze the compelling interest test in cases like these?
        I have always assumed that the EC here is a structural
        limitation on the power of govt, one that denies govt the power
        "endorse" religion even if it has good reasons to put up the
        Am I wrong?
        Rick Duncan
        "Volokh, Eugene" wrote:
        Rick asks an excellent question; the doctrinal
        answer seems to be that some behavior -- such as coercion of
        practice -- is categorically unconstitutional, with no strict
        exception, but the Court often talks about rights as being
absolute and
        then turns around and sets up some strict scrutiny exception
(even if it
        concludes that exception is inapplicable). Compare, e.g.,
        talk of no preference among religions with Larson v. Valente's
        scrutiny for denominational discrimination (under the
        Clause, in fact).
        The tough question is to come up with a concrete
        example of where some compelling interest would indeed be in
        Rick, what examples did you have in mind?
        From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rick
        Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2007 12:07 PM
        To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
        Subject: EC & Compelling Interest
        A question for this august body of learned
        When a state violates the EC, is this absolutely
        unconstitutional or may the state attempt to show a compelling
        to justify an establishment? Does any SCt case clearly focus on
        issue? Are there good law review articles addrsssing it?
        Does it matter what kind of EC violation the
        state has committed?
        Cheers, Rick Duncan
        Rick Duncan 
        Welpton Professor of Law 
        University of Nebraska College of Law 
        Lincoln, NE 68583-0902
        "It's a funny thing about us human beings: not
        many of us doubt God's existence and then start sinning. Most of
us sin
        and then start doubting His existence." --J. Budziszewski (The
        of Conscience)
        "Once again the ancient maxim is vindicated,
        that the perversion of the best is the worst." -- Id.
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        Rick Duncan 
        Welpton Professor of Law 
        University of Nebraska College of Law 
        Lincoln, NE 68583-0902
        "It's a funny thing about us human beings: not many of us doubt
        God's existence and then start sinning. Most of us sin and then
        doubting His existence." --J. Budziszewski (The Revenge of
        "Once again the ancient maxim is vindicated, that the perversion
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Rick Duncan 
Welpton Professor of Law 
University of Nebraska College of Law 
Lincoln, NE 68583-0902


"It's a funny thing about us human beings: not many of us doubt God's
existence and then start sinning. Most of us sin and then start doubting
His existence."  --J. Budziszewski (The Revenge of Conscience)


"Once again the ancient maxim is vindicated, that the perversion of the
best is the worst." -- Id.



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