Press release below.   Please forward widely.   Please call for interviews!
In Jesus,
Chaplain K.

      Appeals Court Bans Prayer 'In Jesus' Name'
Contact: Chaplain Klingenschmitt,, 719-360-5132 cell, 
WASHINGTON, July 23 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals 
today ruled that the city council of Fredericksburg, Virginia had proper 
authority to require "non-sectarian" prayer content and exclude council-member 
Rev. Hashmel Turner from the prayer rotation because he prayed "in Jesus' 

Former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, writing the decision, said: 
"The restriction that prayers be nonsectarian in nature is designed to make the 
prayers accessible to people who come from a variety of backgrounds, not to 
exclude or disparage a particular faith."

Ironically, she admitted Turner was excluded from participating solely because 
of the Christian content of his prayer. 

A full text copy of the decision, with added commentary by Chaplain 
Klingenschmitt is here:  

Gordon James Klingenschmitt, the former Navy chaplain who faced court-martial 
for praying "in Jesus name" in uniform (but won the victory in Congress for 
other chaplains), defended Rev. Hashmel Turner:

"The Fredericksburg government violated everybody's rights by establishing a 
non-sectarian religion, and requiring all prayers conform, or face punishment 
of exclusion. Justice O'Connor showed her liberal colors today, by declaring 
the word 'Jesus' as illegal religious speech, which can be banned by any 
council who wishes to ignore the First Amendment as she did. Councilman Rev. 
Hashmel Turner should run for mayor, fire the other council-members, and 
re-write the prayer policy. And if he appeals to the Supreme Court, I pray he 
will win, in Jesus' name." 

For media interviews, call:
Chaplain Klingenschmitt 719-360-5132 cell
Web address: 


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