And you mean by "purely secular" what? Thank you. JL

John Lofton, Editor,
Recovering Republican

"Accursed is that peace of which revolt from God is the bond, and blessed are 
those contentions by which it is necessary to maintain the kingdom of Christ." 
-- John Calvin.

-----Original Message-----
From: Volokh, Eugene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics <>
Sent: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 10:13 pm
Subject: RE: LOFTON / Re: From the list custodian

??? I don't insist that people speak in thousands of words -- but in my 
experience, "pithy" one-liners rarely tell us much, and beyond that, most law 
professors who specialize in the field have heard pretty much all the pithy 
one-liners before.? We've heard that church and state should be separate, and 
we know how many different interpretations there are of that.? We've heard that 
all government is "religious" under certain sufficiently broad definitions of 
"religion," but that doesn't really tell us what government actions with regard 
to religion are permissible.


??? Now I know that some people disagree, and find such generalities more 
helpful than I do.? And naturally, different list operators may have different 
views on the subject.? But, on this list,?I hope you'd be good enough to 
accommodate my preferences on this score.


??? Eugene

Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2008 4:56 PM
Subject: LOFTON / Re: From the list custodian

There's no such thing as a "purely secular" government. And do you have 
software that automatically gripes about whatever I say? Every time I post 
something that's pithy, to the point, packed with wisdom, and?with no 
bloviating, you complain. And my most recent statement, and the one that begins 
this post, is designed precisely to "foster concrete discussion." I realize why 
many lawyers believe that something, in order to make sense, must be said in 
thousands of words, but I disagree. Am I allowed to disagree? Perhaps we might 
begin a "concrete discussion", Mr. List Custodian, with? you saying what you 
mean by "purely secular." Or we might?even discuss what constitutes a "concrete 
discussion." Thank you.

John Lofton, Editor,
Recovering Republican

"Accursed is that peace of which revolt from God is the bond, and blessed are 
those contentions by which it is necessary to maintain the kingdom of Christ." 
-- John Calvin.

-----Original Message-----
From: Volokh, Eugene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics <>
Sent: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 5:50 pm
Subject: From the list custodian

??? Folks:? Let me mention again that list discussion tends to be most helpful 
when it goes into concrete and detailed analysis, and not cliche generalities.


??? Recall that the thread began with a post discussing what protection should 
be offered to speech that's critical of religion.? I'm pretty sure that 
generalities about "government and religion should [be kept separate]" or "all 
government is religious" are not that helpful here; at that level of 
abstraction, those generalities tell us very little about how particular speech 
restrictions should be treated.? 


??? For instance, even a purely secular government might choose to ban certain 
statements about religious groups, alongside certain statements about races, 
sexual orientations, and the like, because of a concern that such statements 
might cause violent reactions by their targets, might incite violence against 
their targets, or might simply cause unjustified emotional distress to their 
targets.? I oppose such restrictions, but I can't defend that opposition 
through generalities such as separation of church and state.? Conversely, even 
a religiously-based government might well decide not to ban speach critical of 
various religions.


??? More broadly, please note that the main purpose of this list is to foster 
concrete discussion -- discussion useful to legal academics -- on technical 
legal questions related to the law of government and religion.? 


??? Eugene

Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2008 2:38 PM
Subject: LOFTON / Re: Defamation of Religion

ALL government is "religious." The only question is: Which "religion" will a 
government be based on. 

John Lofton, Editor,
Recovering Republican

"Accursed is that peace of which revolt from God is the bond, and blessed are 
those contentions by which it is necessary to maintain the kingdom of Christ." 
-- John Calvin.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 5:34 pm
Subject: RE: Defamation of Religion

And if this discussion doesn't make one want to dig up James Madison and
kiss his molding corpse for penning "Congress shall make no law respecting
the establishment of religion..." I don't know what would.  With all due
respect to those who profess belief, government and religion should have
separate bedrooms, if not separate houses, with no conjugal visits.  This
trend puts Nixon's domino theory in a new light.
Carol Moore
Gentle Reader  

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