<http://alm-editorial-us.msgfocus.com/c/1v91oFMRsY9j6WpqH> 10th Circuit
Finds Church Immune From Workplace Discrimination Suit
The National Law Journal

An Oklahoma woman who alleged that a Catholic bishop subjected her to
"severe and pervasive" gender and age discrimination at work is not entitled
to protection by federal employment laws, the 10th Circuit has ruled, making
it the latest court to weigh in on the issue of the "ministerial exception."
The circuit concluded that the plaintiff's duties were not just
administrative but also spiritual, therefore granting the church immunity
from her suit.


Joel L. Sogol

Attorney at Law

811 21st Avenue

Tuscaloosa, Alabama  35401

ph (205) 345-0966

fx  (205) 345-0971

 <mailto:jlsa...@wwisp.com> jlsa...@wwisp.com


Ben Franklin observed that truth wins a fair fight -- which is why we have
evidence rules in U.S. courts.


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