Perhaps there is a connection between the Supreme Court's adoption in Thomas of 
this principle of individual self-determination of religious belief, and the 
almost-immediate decline of free exercise protection in the Supreme Court 
(Thomas, 1981; Lee, 1982; Bob Jones, 1983; Goldman, 1986; Bowen, 1986; Lyng, 
1988; Jimmy Swaggart, 1990; Smith, 1990).  The only exceptions to the trend are 
Hobbie (1987) and Frazee (1989), both in the accepted and limited context of 
Sabbath observance and unemployment compensation.

Ira C. Lupu
F. Elwood & Eleanor Davis Professor of Law
George Washington University Law School
2000 H St., NW 
Washington, DC 20052
My SSRN papers are here:

---- Original message ----
>Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2010 13:03:52 -0400
>From: (on behalf of Eric Rassbach 
>Subject: Principles of sincerity/credibility determination  
>To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics <>
>I thought this paragraph from a post Eugene made on his blog would be a good 
>one to discuss on the list:
>A claimant may prevail only if his beliefs are sincerely held: If a court 
>concludes that the claimant is lying about his beliefs, then his claim will be 
>rejected. (Courts may often be especially likely to scrutinize a claimant’s 
>sincerity when his beliefs seem to coincide neatly with his secular interests, 
>especially secular financial interests.) And my sense is that courts are 
>indeed, rightly or wrongly, more likely to find a belief to be sincere if it 
>is familiar, probably because it is shared by many of the claimant’s 
>coreligionists. But in principle courts ought not focus on that, and should 
>treat beliefs that are minority beliefs even in the claimant’s own 
>denomination, or even beliefs that are highly idiosyncratic, as fully 
>protected at the same level as standard majority Muslim, Jewish, Baptist, 
>Methodist, etc. beliefs might be.
>What I don't understand about Eugene's statement here is what "principle" says 
>that a court ought not look at whether anyone else shares a claimed religious 
>belief in making a credibility determination about whether the belief is truly 
>*held*. Courts are more likely to find that a Jewish inmate asking for kosher 
>food is sincere than an "Orthodox Catholic" inmate asking for kosher food.  
>Cf. Guzzi v. Thompson, 470 F.Supp.2d 17 (D. Mass. 2007).  That's because the 
>belief that Jews should keep kosher has been around for a long time--and has 
>been adhered to as a practice in many different contexts--indicating that the 
>belief is not contingent on the circumstances and interests of a particular 
>person in a particular situation. That lack of historical or personal 
>contingency is rightfully seen as an indicator of the credibility of the claim 
>that the plaintiff holds the belief. That doesn't mean that the lack of 
>evidence that others hold a plaintiff's "idiosyncratic" belief should be 
>treated as a strike against a plaintiff's credibility. But it is a positive 
>factor that is, and should be, available to "familiar" faiths.
>I don't think that this approach to credibility determinations is any 
>different than those in other contexts. If I am prosecuted/sued for fraud 
>based on my telling others that space aliens have abducted many people from 
>Roswell, NM, my sincerity defense will definitely be helped if many other 
>people hold the same belief, just as it will be harmed if I have a financial 
>interest in leading others to share my claimed belief.
>So I think Eugene's statement mixes up the credibility determination about 
>whether someone is truly holding a belief with a forbidden determination about 
>whether the content of the belief is true. Courts can legitimately look at 
>whether others hold the same belief in making the former determination, but 
>cannot engage in the latter determination at all.
>And as a practical matter, the two determinations really should be kept quite 
>separate for the practical reason that courts aren't going to want to help a 
>cheat. Adhering to a formal rule that courts determine sincerity/credibility 
>ensures that judges deal with that concern squarely, rather than by using 
>other parts of the law -- say the compelling government interest test -- to 
>ensure that plaintiffs they suspect are insincere lose in the end. The lack of 
>reliance on sincerity ends up deforming other parts of the law.
>It may be that Eugene has an underlying concern about whether this approach 
>undermines equal treatment among faiths, and if so, I would be interested to 
>hear him articulate that concern more fully than he was able to within the 
>confines of his post.
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