I agree with Paul's point, and realize that I should make my statement more 
precise.  Common sense tells us there is real value to following rules with a 
minimum number of exceptions, and especially exceptions that are limited to 
truly extraordinary situations.  Indeed, if a tornado knocks out the arena 
where a game is to be played, you can't very well play the game that day.  
Likewise, if one of the tournament teams' buses crashes the day before, and 
most of the team is killed, it makes sense that all the other teams might 
postpone their games out of grief and respect for the dead.

But common sense tells us that there is still value for reserving exceptions 
for such extraordinary cases.  Now, as I said, there is also value for allowing 
exceptions even outside extraordinary cases; it may well be that an exception 
ought to be made.  My point -- on which Paul and I agree -- is simply that 
common sense doesn't generally resolve this sort of tension.


From: religionlaw-boun...@lists.ucla.edu [religionlaw-boun...@lists.ucla.edu] 
On Behalf Of Paul Horwitz [phorw...@hotmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2012 7:42 PM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
Subject: Re: Basketball tournaments on the Sabbath

    I agree generally with Eugene's point--which I would generalize to just 
about every situation--that "common sense," like many other such phrases 
(certainly including "respect," or "the rule of law") is too capacious a term 
to resolve most disputes. In this case, one would have to both understand and 
expand the context sufficiently to help one reach a reasonable resolution of 
the dispute, and even then there would be more than one such resolution. In 
this case, it seems to me that the road to a reasonable resolution of the 
problem lies in the fact that TAPPS opened itself to a situation in which it 
welcomed the possibility of sporting events involving others whose religious 
needs might require accommodation. If the league had remained solely devoted to 
Christian schools and, in effect, had valued Christian community over sports or 
all-state intramural play itself, then refusing to change its schedule would a) 
be reasonable and b) not be much of a problem, since the issue would be 
unlikely ever to arise. Once it took the step of opening play to 
non-Christians, however, including those with an equally thick set of religious 
commitments, then common sense, if not simply being a good host, would suggest 
that the league ought to anticipate and accommodate the religious needs of its 
guests. But certainly the work here is not done by invoking "common sense" 

I do, though, think it's worth taking slight issue with the view that common 
sense "tells us that there is real value to following rules with no 
exceptions." I appreciate that this phrase leaves open room for ambiguity and 
charitable interpretation; not least, Eugene says "real value," not "absolute 
value." But I still think its worth emphasizing that I can think of few if any 
conditions in which a regime intended for application to human affairs would 
common-sensically lead to a belief in following rules with no exceptions -- 
except perhaps, in situations where the rules themselves are already drawn up 
in such a way that the exceptions are either implicit or explicit. Of course, 
it is indeed true of rules generally that they contain explicit or implicit 
exceptions. Even Smith, read common-sensically, is not a rule meant to be 
followed with no exceptions: it contains both implicit and explicit exceptions. 
Even the military, a realm in which more people would be likely to agree that 
rules should be followed with not exceptions, either tailors its rules 
carefully so that they already contain exceptions or, in some quite crucial 
cases, insists that there are situations where one must disobey a command.

I appreciate that it was just a minor point along the way to a broader 
conclusion that I generally share. Still, at least in an audience of lawyers, I 
think it is always worth emphasizing that no sound system of rules could 
possibly insist on complete obedience, and that any understanding of the rule 
of law that does not make allowance, either implicitly or explicitly, for 
ignoring, avoiding, disobeying, or violating rules resembles madness more 
closely than it does common sense.

Best to all,
Paul Horwitz
University of Alabama School of Law

On Mar 3, 2012, at 5:41 PM, "Volokh, Eugene" 
<vol...@law.ucla.edu<mailto:vol...@law.ucla.edu>> wrote:

                The trouble with “common sense” is that it often points in 
different directions.  Common sense tells us there is real value to following 
rules with no exceptions, so that one doesn’t have to later deal with questions 
of “you accommodated them, why don’t you accommodate” us (even when the future 
request for accommodation might be different from the current one), and also to 
having a schedule that is predictable, especially given that team members and 
others related to the team may often plan their schedules around the 
preannounced playing schedule.  Common sense also tells us that there is real 
value to being flexible,
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