One other variation: nuisance and related bodies of law generally hold 
landlords responsible for what tenants do on the property.

On Mon, 1 Oct 2012 12:55:45 -0700
 "Volokh, Eugene" <> wrote:
>                Let me add that American law has very different views of when 
> people are "responsible" for the acts of others, or when they can demand that 
> they not assist in the acts of others.  For instance,
>                1.  Zelman sets forth one rule when it comes to taxpayers' 
> right to object to the use of their money under the Establishment Clause.
>                2.  Abood and Keller set forth a different rule when it comes 
> to fee payers' right to object to the use of their fees (as opposed to 
> general taxes) under the Free Speech Clause.
>                3.  Criminal law in most jurisdictions holds people 
> responsible for aiding and abetting only when they have the purpose of aiding 
> conduct.
>                4.  Criminal law in some jurisdictions, or as to some crimes, 
> holds people responsible for aiding and abetting when they have the knowledge 
> that they are aiding the conduct.
>                5.  In some jurisdictions, e.g., in New York, the standard for 
> responsibility under special-purpose statutes is close to recklessness (e.g., 
> "believing it probable" under the New York statute).
>                6.  Special purpose criminal laws (as opposed to general 
> aiding and abetting law) sometimes have special rules for holding people 
> responsible for doing things that assist certain kinds of misconduct based; 
> consider, for instance, the federal ban on providing material assistance to 
> designated terrorist organizations, or the laws in some states that 
> criminalize recklessly facilitate escape from criminal custody.
>                7.  Tort law may in some situations hold people liable for 
> aiding and abetting others' misconduct so long as the person was negligent 
> about the possibility that the other person would use the person's help for 
> bad purposes.  (Consider negligent entrustment claims, for instance, whether 
> as to cars, guns, or what have you.)
>                I tend to agree with Chris and the others who take the view 
> that the RFRA substantial burden question ought not be influenced by this, 
> but rather by whether the claimant sincerely believes that he is asked to do 
> something that he sees as sinful.  But the fact that our own legal system has 
> such a complex view of when assistance is enough to make the assister 
> responsible should further counsel in favor of focusing on the claimant's 
> beliefs about responsibility, rather than trying to impose some rule of its 
> own about responsibility.
>                None of this, of course, deals with whether the law could 
> still be applied to objectors because (1) such an application passes strict 
> scrutiny, or (2) the legislature carves out the relevant statute from RFRA.
>                Eugene
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