Can someone who thinks the decision wrong explain the difference between this 
case and an interracial marriage or a Catholic photographer refusing to do a 
Jewish or Muslim or Hindu wedding?  What is the principled distinction?  I 
can't find one.

What is the difference between this and a restaurant -- as a religious matter?  
Or any other public accommodation -- taxis, hotels, trains, busses, airlines?

Again, I am more sympathetic to the free speech/compelled speech argument, but 
we compell doctors and others to engage in speech all the time, even if it is 
against their religious beliefs.

As to the war hypo -- I suspect various photographers have been assigned many 
jobs they didn't like by their (private) employers.

For those who support a unit veto, can Sears fire a photographer in its photo 
studio who refuses to do the same sex couple?  (Assuming it is Sears who runs 
the studio, but if not, then substitute for Sears whoever the subcontractor to 
Sears is.)  Or is that person protected?  I am more sympathetic to the 
individual photographer in that setting because of Title VII duty to 
accommodate -- a statutory, not constitutional duty -- and if one could be 
crafted would not be adverse to something for expressive arts like even 
commercial photography -- but I can't see how to craft it to keep it within 
bounds and to separate out same sex from race.

Please enlighten me.


Prof. Steven D. Jamar                     vox:  202-806-8017
Director of International Programs, Institute for Intellectual Property and 
Social Justice
Howard University School of Law           fax:  202-806-8567

"I have nothing new to teach the world. Truth and nonviolence are as old as the 


On Aug 23, 2013, at 8:45 AM, Michael Worley <> wrote:

> Are people who support the decision in New Mexico also willing to support a 
> law forcing photographers who object to war to take pictures of army battle 
> drills if hired by a government contractor?  If not, what is the difference?  
> -- 
> Michael Worley
> BYU Law School, Class of 2014
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