That is not my experience. I retained all copies and negatives of our wedding 
photos, and more recently we we purchased a CD of our son's graduation photos, 
from which I can print (or email or whatever) whatever I like. 

Also, I fail to see how a photographer is "participating" in a wedding ceremony 
and reception, any more than the bartender or the limo driver is 
"participating." Rather, it seems to me that a photographer is merely service 
for hire, and is recording the event. When one hires a plumber or an 
electrician, it is their knowledge and expertise you're paying for, above the 
cost of materials. They are not "participating" in your "lifestyle" -- whatever 
that is. 

Wouldn't a businessperson acting in a professional manner instead be more 
diplomatic -- and steer a customer he/she didn't like to another professional 
"whose tastes and experience may be better suited to your expectations." My 
point is that a customer can be redirected in such a way that they feel they 
are being served with some respect. Instead, the photographer in question 
appears to have acted otherwise. 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Scarberry" <> 
Sent: Saturday, August 24, 2013 2:23:51 PM 
Subject: Re: A right not to be compelled to create expression? 

Professional photographers generally retain copyright to graduation photos, 
wedding photos, etc., so you have to go back to them for additional prints. At 
least that's my experience. 

Mark Scarberry 
Pepperdine University School of Law 

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone 

-------- Original message -------- 
From: "Gaubatz, Derek" <> 
Date: 08/24/2013 10:57 AM (GMT-08:00) 
To: "''" <> 
Subject: Re: A right not to be compelled to create expression? 

Actually, the creator is the copyright owner of the work unless the purchaser 
successfully negotiates for a work for hire agreement. 

>From : Marci Hamilton [] 
Sent : Saturday, August 24, 2013 01:26 PM 
To : Law & Religion issues for Law Academics <> 
Cc : Law & Religion issues for Law Academics <> 
Subject : Re: A right not to be compelled to create expression? 

Point of law-- Most freelancers are subject to work for hire agreements that 
divest copyright and make the purchaser the "owner" of the speech for all 

Marci A. Hamilton 
Verkuil Chair in Public Law 
Benjamin N. Cardozo Law School 
Yeshiva University 

On Aug 24, 2013, at 12:37 PM, "Volokh, Eugene" < > wrote: 

Well, New Mexico law covers “any establishment that provides or offers its 
services ... to the public, but does not include a[n] ... establishment that is 
by its nature and use distinctly private.” That does mean that a freelance 
writer who only writes on behalf of a limited set of clients, rather than 
offering his services to the public at large, wouldn’t be covered by this 
particular statute. But a freelance writer who does promote his services to the 
public would qualify, even if he exercises some selectivity. (Indeed, Huguenin 
says that there are other photography commissions she won’t take, such as for 
pornography, horror films, and the like, though chances are that she won’t even 
be approached for them in the first place. Conversely, my sense is that many 
freelance writers who offer to hire themselves out to the public will take the 
great majority of jobs that come their way, even though they too would draw the 
line somewhere.) So I can’t see how such freelance writers would be immune. 

But in any event, even if a freelance writer or photographer is unselective, I 
can’t see how that person’s expression isn’t “her own.” To be sure, the public 
might not see an unselective photographer’s/writer’s speech as equally 
expressing her own ideology. But the writer or photographer would still be 
creating the expression herself, using her own artistic and literary creative 

The question, then, is: Should people have a right not to be compelled to 
create expression they think is wrong, just as they have a right not to be 
compelled to distribute expression they think is wrong? It seems to me that the 
logic of Wooley should extend equally to both rights. If Maynard can’t be 
required to carry the motto “Live Free or Die” on his car, then a Maynard who 
is a generally will-take-most-commissions freelance writer can’t be required to 
write a press release or organizational newsletter that expresses the view 
“Scientology is good.” Indeed, the requirement to actually create expression 
seems much more burdensome than simply the requirement to carry a slogan on 
one’s car. 

Finally, note that the New Mexico Supreme Court expressly disclaimed any 
argument that mere wedding photography is just too banal to be expressive for 
purposes of this analysis (not that Eduardo so argued below, but I’ve seen that 
argument elsewhere). “This determination [that Elane Photography is subject to 
the public accommodations law] has no relation to the artistic merit of 
photographs produced by Elane Photography. If Annie Leibovitz or Peter 
Lindbergh worked as public accommodations in New Mexico, they would be subject 
to the provisions of the NMHRA.” 


From: [ ] On Behalf Of Penalver, Eduardo 
Sent: Friday, August 23, 2013 12:23 AM 
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics 
Subject: Re: New Mexico decision and other First Amendment expression 

It seems to me, the more selective they are, (1) the less likely they are 
covered by the statute (the predicate for the 1A claim) and (2) the more the 
speech is their own (which does seem relevant to a compelled speech claim). 

On Aug 22, 2013, at 11:23 PM, "Volokh, Eugene" < > wrote: 

My sense is that many freelance writers are indeed pretty unselective. But, in 
any event, why should the writer’s or photographer’s selectivity or 
unselectivity affect the First Amendment compelled speech analysis? I would 
think that a freelance writer who picks and chooses – but absolutely refuses to 
write things for the Church of Scientology – and the freelance writer who takes 
99% of his commissions but thinks that the Church of Scientology is just beyond 
the pale should have the same First Amendment rights not to create expression 
that they think is wrong (or maybe that they think is just too far wrong). 


From: [ ] On Behalf Of Penalver, Eduardo 
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2013 9:05 PM 
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics 
Subject: Re: New Mexico decision and other First Amendment expression 

Not necessarily. I don't think your hypothetical writer would necessarily count 
as having held himself out as open to the public to ply his trade as you've 
described it. That is, I don't think that advertising by itself would be enough 
to count as holding oneself out. Here, the photographer did just that - held 
herself out as open to all comers (except the disfavored group) at a price. 
Apart from same sex couples, there's nothing in the opinion suggesting much 
selectivity in her business model. Her holding out was an essential premise 
underlying the court's decision. She did not contest her status as a public 
accommodation, after all. 

On Aug 22, 2013, at 10:43 PM, "Volokh, Eugene" < > wrote: 

A quick question, focusing on the compelled speech side of the issue rather 
than just the RFRA side. The court’s logic isn’t limited to sexual orientation 
discrimination (as opposed to other kinds of discrimination) or to 
photographers (as opposed to other creators of protected expression). Say that 
a freelance writer, who advertises himself to the public at large, is asked by 
the Church of Scientology (or the LDS Church or any other religious group) to 
write promotional material for it. 

He says no: He refuses to create speech that he views as being factually or 
morally false, for instance by glorifying as right, worthy, holy, or beautiful 
that which he believes is morally corrupt. Following Solzhenitsyn, he wants to 
“Live Not by Lies” – to “not write, not sign, not print through any means even 
a single phrase that distorts, in his opinion, the truth,” to not, “in 
painting, sculpture, photography, music, or through technological means” 
“depict, accompany, or retransmit even a single lying thought, not a single 
distortion of the truth, that he recognizes” (quotes are from Solzhenitsyn’s 
“Live Not by Lies” essay). 

The Scientologists then sue him for his discriminating against them based on 
religion. Am I right in thinking that, under the New Mexico Supreme Court’s 
reasoning, requiring him to pay damages would be seen as constitutionally 
permissible, and as not being an unconstitutional speech compulsion? If so, is 
that a constitutionally sound result? 



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