In light of the recent discussions of this issue on the list, and in light
the various proposals percolating in the states, I've got a question for
the group and a shameless plug.

First, the shameless plug -- I've just posted a new piece on the issue to
SSRN (it won't be in print until next year, so comments and suggestions
would be very welcome):

*Interracial and Same-Sex Marriages: Similar Religious Objections, Very
Different Responses*

The article addresses two major questions that have gone largely unexamined
in the literature to date: First, why has the legal academy been so
solicitous of religious objections to same-sex marriage when it was never
receptive to similar objections to interracial marriage? Second, if a state
were to adopt the leading academic proposal for religious exemptions--a
proposal that would allow for-profit businesses to discriminate against
same-sex couples--would the exemptions be vulnerable to an equal protection

The "leading academic proposal" I discuss is the
Laycock/Berg/Garnett/Wilson proposal Chip mentions below, and the principal
discussion of that proposal begins on page 35 of the draft. A more general
discussion of exemptions for commercial businesses starts on page 27 of the

Second, the question for the group: What explains the recent pivot from the
"marriage specific" proposals (e.g., proposed amendment to Minnesota's 2012
marriage recognition legislation; proposed amendment to Washington's 2012
marriage recognition legislation; proposed 2014 ballot initiative in
Oregon; 2014 proposed bills in Kansas, Idaho, South Dakota, Tennessee) to
the "expansion of RFRA rights" proposals (Arizona, Missouri)? Is it an
effort to tie into what is expected to be a victory for Hobby Lobby under
the federal RFRA?

- Jim

P.S. My understanding is the same as Chip's -- no state has yet adopted
marriage exemptions that extend to commercial vendors. Speaking of Chip,
his article with Bob on this topic is essential reading (

On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 8:33 AM, Ira Lupu <> wrote:

> That is my understanding, Hillel.  If Doug, Rick, Tom, or others know of
> counterexamples, I'm sure they will bring them forward to the list.
> On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 11:28 AM, Hillel Y. Levin 
> <>wrote:
>> Chip:
>> Thanks for the cite! I will take a look.
>> And just so I understand: are you asserting that *none* have adopted the
>> broader exceptions (wedding vendors, etc)?
>> On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 11:23 AM, Ira Lupu <> wrote:
>>> Hillel:
>>> The same sex marriage laws to which you refer do have "exceptions," for
>>> clergy, houses of worship, and (sometimes) for religious charities and
>>> social services.  Bob Tuttle and I analyze and collect some of that here:
>>>  There is plenty of other literature on the subject.
>>> What has happened in other states since we wrote that piece is quite
>>> consistent with the pattern we described.  These laws do NOT contain
>>> exceptions for wedding vendors (bakers, caterers, etc.) or public employees
>>> like marriage license clerks.  Those are the efforts that have failed, over
>>> and over.
>>> Chip (not Ira, please)
>>> On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 11:13 AM, Hillel Y. Levin <
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Ira:
>>>> You say that these bills have failed over and over again. If I'm not
>>>> mistaken, several states that recognize same-sex marriage and/or have
>>>> non-discrimination laws protecting gays and lesbians *do* have
>>>> religious exceptions (as does the ENDA that passed the senate not long ago,
>>>> only to die in the House). Am I mistaken? Do you (or anyone else here!)
>>>> know of any literature that canvasses the laws in this context?
>>>> Many thanks.
>>>> On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 11:07 AM, Ira Lupu <> wrote:
>>>>> The Kansas bill is very sex/gender specific, and it is not limited to
>>>>> weddings in any way.  The rights it creates appear absolute -- no interest
>>>>> balancing.  It would authorize all sincere religious objectors (persons 
>>>>> and
>>>>> entities, including businesses) to treat same sex marriages/domestic
>>>>> partnerships, etc. as invalid, even if the 14th A required states to
>>>>> license and respect such weddings.  It would authorize those objectors to
>>>>> refuse to provide goods and services to anyone celebrating such a wedding
>>>>> or commitment, and to deny employee spousal benefits to same sex spouses.
>>>>> The Arizona bill protects religious freedom generally, and the
>>>>> amendment extends the coverage explicitly to corporations.    The same
>>>>> religious objections to same sex weddings, marriages, etc. could be made
>>>>> under the Arizona bill.  The AZ bill permits a compelling interest defense
>>>>> (therefore more "moderate"?), but it also is far more sweeping because it
>>>>> might be invoked to justify religious discrimination against customers for
>>>>> all sorts of reasons of status and identity, not limited to sexual
>>>>> orientation.
>>>>> Unlike federal RFRA, which was a generic response to Smith and brought
>>>>> together a coalition of many faith groups and civil liberties groups, the
>>>>> amendments to Arizona RFRA are driven by exactly the same political forces
>>>>> as are driving the Kansas bill and others -- opposition to same sex
>>>>> marriage and same sex intimacy, and an assertion of rights of some 
>>>>> business
>>>>> people to refuse to serve that population.  So the good lawyers on this
>>>>> list can parse the differences in the bills, and we can debate which bill
>>>>> would do more harm or more good, if you think there is any good here to be
>>>>> done.  But no one can credibly deny that all of these current legislative
>>>>> efforts are driven by the same political forces.
>>>>> Doug Laycock, Tom Berg, Rick Garnett, Robin Wilson and others have for
>>>>> the past 5 years been pushing narrower versions of these bills in states
>>>>> that have legislated same sex marriage (NY, Illinois, NH, Hawaii, etc.)
>>>>>  Those efforts have failed over and over again.  Now that same sex 
>>>>> marriage
>>>>> seems headed for the red states, we are just seeing broader, uglier, less
>>>>> nuanced versions of the same agenda.  I hope and expect that Gov. Brewer
>>>>> will veto the AZ bill, and it's nice to see the fierce national pushback
>>>>> against these attempts to legitimate anti-gay bigotry, whatever its
>>>>> religious underpinnings in some cases.
>>>>> On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 10:03 AM, Scarberry, Mark <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> That should have been "much more moderate/less sweeping."
>>>>>> Mark
>>>>>> Mark S. Scarberry
>>>>>> Pepperdine University School of y
>>>>>> Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone
>>>>>> -------- Original message --------
>>>>>> From: "Scarberry, Mark"
>>>>>> Date:02/26/2014 6:47 AM (GMT-08:00)
>>>>>> To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
>>>>>> Subject: RE: Subject: Re: Kansas/Arizona statutes protecting
>>>>>> for-profit businesses
>>>>>> Marci's view of the rights of a Walmart under tha AZ bill, and likely
>>>>>> even the Kansas bill, is simply wrong.
>>>>>>  The application in the AZ bill to private enforcement by way of
>>>>>> lawsuit simply prevents the state from doing indirectly what it can't do
>>>>>> directly, cf. NY Times v. Sullivan, and makes clear something that 
>>>>>> already
>>>>>> should be the case under RFRAs, properly interpreted.
>>>>>>  It also is the case that the AZ bill is much more moderate/sweeping
>>>>>> than the Kansas bill.
>>>>>>  Mark S. Scarberry
>>>>>> Pepperdine University School of Law
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