A post in which I address the "tradition of protecting conscience about
abortion" argument in Tom's fine brief for Democrats for Life, and
abortion/abortifacients more broadly:


On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 6:20 PM, Berg, Thomas C. <tcb...@stthomas.edu>wrote:

>  Apropos of two threads: (1) whether this case involves abortion and (2)
> whether a limited ruling for Hobby Lobby is possible:
> The brief of the Democrats for Life of America and Bart Stupak, on which I
> was counsel, is one of the briefs that summarizes evidence on the different
> drugs and devices.  See
> http://www.americanbar.org/content/dam/aba/publications/supreme_court_preview/briefs-v3/13-354-13-356_amcu_dfla.authcheckdam.pdf,
> at 18-25.  I think the evidence is quite plausible that Ella and IUDs could
> work to prevent implantation, for the reasons Doug says.  There was debate
> on this in the FDA advisory committee, and at least one member of the
> committee made exactly the same point as below, saying, ""I'll even
> concede that the primary mechanism of action [for Ella] might be delayed
> ovulation, but not in this group that's five days out from unprotected
> intercourse. . . . I can't imagine how we can put all of these numbers
> together to say that delayed ovulation explains this continued efficacy [at
> five days after intercourse]."  See id. at 22 & n.5.  Evidence on Plan B
> may be growing that it's unlikely to stop implantation (although the FDA
> and the government's briefs still say it has that possibility).  But at
> least as to Ella and IUDs, the objection is quite plausible.
> As many know, Congressman Stupak, along with other pro-life Democrats,
> supported the Affordable Care Act and provided key votes; several of those
> people were then turned out of office because of concentrated campaigns
> against them by the main pro-life groups.  Neither Stupak nor the Democrats
> for Life has it in for the ACA in general.  (FWIW, I've also written in
> support of the Affordable Care Act, defending many of its other provisions
> against criticisms from the main pro-life groups.)
> The brief focuses on the issue of abortion and argues that we have a
> distinctively strong tradition of protecting conscience on that
> matter--recognizing (as we do in other circumstances) the particular burden
> from being involved in what the objector regards as the immoral taking of
> life--and that this tradition should inform interpretation of RFRA.  As to
> abortion, more than any other procedure or drug, conscience clauses protect
> objectors in the commercial sphere and protect them from indirect
> facilitation.  The brief argues that under RFRA, this tradition should
> extend to objectors to drugs and devices that may plausibly act to prevent
> implantation.  I'm aware of Marty's argument that in some places, federal
> law may define abortion as occurring only after implantation (it does
> define pregnancy that way).  The brief argues that such a definition should
> not set the outer limits of abortion-related accommodation under RFRA.
> Beyond the question of whether this case itself involves abortion in a
> legally controlling sense ... most of the arguments the government makes here
> (that businesses have no free ex rights, that there's no burden on the
> employer) would eliminate any challenges to a law that said second-term
> abortions must be covered in all insurance policies and that penalized
> employers for excluding it or dropping health insurance.  And as the
> Washington bill I mentioned the other day shows (the bill that passed the
> state House), it's quite possible that such laws will be enacted in the
> coming years with no exemptions for objecting employers.
> Following up on Jim Oleske's question, I agree that in the abortion
> context, it is better to protect conscientious objections generally.  If
> the government refuses to do so, I think it is better to protect religious
> objectors, and define religion as broadly as possible, than to protect no
> one.
> -----------------------------------------
> Thomas C. Berg
> James L. Oberstar Professor of Law and Public Policy
> University of St. Thomas School of Law
> MSL 400, 1000 LaSalle Avenue
> Minneapolis, MN   55403-2015
> Phone: (651) 962-4918
> Fax: (651) 962-4996
> E-mail: tcb...@stthomas.edu
> SSRN: http://ssrn.com/author=261564
> Weblog: 
> http://www.mirrorofjustice.blogs.com<http://www.mirrorofjustice.blogs.com/mirrorofjustice>
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* religionlaw-boun...@lists.ucla.edu [
> mailto:religionlaw-boun...@lists.ucla.edu<religionlaw-boun...@lists.ucla.edu>]
> *On Behalf Of *Douglas Laycock
> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 12, 2014 10:43 AM
> *To:* 'Law & Religion issues for Law Academics'
> *Subject:* RE: letter opposing Mississippi RFRA
> I don't know what the bishops or the Greens would say, but I don't think
> they would object to that. They would not be specifying what you could buy
> from the pharmacist.
> What they object to is buying a policy that covers a list of items, and
> explicitly on the list are items that they believe will kill people. They
> contract to put those items on the list; they pay to have those items on
> the list; they tempt their employees to use those items by making them
> available for free. It's not even a case of giving their employees a choice
> of benefits. There are no policy limits under the ACA, so an employee who
>  chooses a potentially abortifacient drug has not reduced by a penny her
> ability to consume other medical care under the same policy.
> Their view that these drugs sometimes act by preventing implantation is
> entirely plausible, given the FDA label and given the conflicting studies.
> Ella is billed as the week-after pill, which is an awfully long time for it
> to work with much of  a success rate if it works only by preventing
> ovulation. Their view that preventing implantation is equivalent to killing
> a human being is very far from my view, but it is entirely logical, and it
> is a view with enormous moral weight. I really don't think that their
> objection is so mysterious or difficult to understand.
> Douglas Laycock
> Robert E. Scott Distinguished Professor of Law
> University of Virginia Law School
> 580 Massie Road
> Charlottesville, VA  22903
>      434-243-8546
> *From:* religionlaw-boun...@lists.ucla.edu [
> mailto:religionlaw-boun...@lists.ucla.edu<religionlaw-boun...@lists.ucla.edu>]
> *On Behalf Of *Hillel Y. Levin
> *Sent:* Tuesday, March 11, 2014 11:03 PM
> *To:* Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
> *Subject:* Re: letter opposing Mississippi RFRA
> Doug:
> I'm not trying to exaggerate anything. In trying to understand the
> doctrine.
> Would this be a fair description?: I am your employee. You owe me fifty
> dollars for work I've done. You could pay me the money directly, knowing
> fully that I might use it to purchase contraception. But I ask you instead
> to deposit it directly to my pharmacist. I don't tell you that the
> pharmacist will now dispense contraception for me, but you know that I
> might. Under the doctrine of complicity you object to depositing the check
> with my pharmacist but not with me directly. Is that correct?
> On Tuesday, March 11, 2014, Douglas Laycock <dlayc...@virginia.edu> wrote:
> The line is between benefits that are earmarked for a particular item and
> wages that are not. It is between what the employer purchases himself, and
> what the employee purchases.
> First you wildly exaggerate their claim, then you say that the exaggerated
> claim is ridiculous, then you infer that the actual claim is also
> ridiculous.
> Which is not to say that some of the people on the religious fringes, both
> left and right, don't make wildly exaggerated claims. But no religious
> claimant has ever won on a claim about the use of money paid over without
> restriction to someone else. The only claim of that sort I can think of is
> claims about paying taxes that the government then spends for immoral
> purposes. Zero for however many times they have tried.
> On Tue, 11 Mar 2014 22:17:40 -0400
>  Steven Jamar <stevenja...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >Still complicit--the employer knows the wages will sometimes be spent on
> things the employer dislikes just as much as the employer knows some
> employees will use insurance for things the employer dislikes. If the
> theory is complicity, that line is a pretty lame one.
> >
> >Sent from Steve's iPhone
> >
> >
> >> On Mar 11, 2014, at 9:26 PM, "Brad Pardee" <bp51...@windstream.net>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> Because the employee's paycheck is a blank check.  The employee can do
> whatever they want with it because, as part of the salary, there are no
> limits on what the employee can or can't spend the money on.  However,
> insurance is not a blank check.  The policy specifies what it is covering
> and what it is not covering and the employer, in determining the range of
> the benefits they offer, is fully involved in the decision of what is being
> covered and is fully accountable to his or her God for that decision.
> >>
> >> Brad
> >>
> >> From: religionlaw-boun...@lists.ucla.edu [mailto:
> religionlaw-boun...@lists.ucla.edu] On Behalf Of Hillel Y. Levin
> >> Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2014 7:36 PM
> >> To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
> >> Subject: Re: letter opposing Mississippi RFRA
> >>
> >> I have a question for those who have religious beliefs opposed to the
> contraception mandate. I do not mean this question as a provocation, but
> rather in the interest of helping me to understand the problem. Suppose a
> religious employer knows with 100% certainty that an employee will spend a
> small amount of her income on contraception. I take it that this does not
> violate a religious belief. How is that different from directing a
> percentage of the employee's salary towards health insurance, which will
> cover contraception?
> >>
> >>
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> Douglas Laycock
> Robert E. Scott Distinguished Professor of Law
> University of Virginia Law School
> 580 Massie Road
> Charlottesville, VA  22903
>      434-243-8546
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> --
> Hillel Y. Levin
> Associate Professor
> University of Georgia
> School of Law
> 120 Herty Dr.
> Athens, GA 30602
> (678) 641-7452
> hle...@uga.edu
> hillelle...@gmail.com
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