A preliminary explanation (and I reserve the right to edit it as I get
deeper into the regs!):


On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 4:05 PM, Richard Foltin <folt...@ajc.org> wrote:

> Chip,
> I was able to access the document.  The proposed rule is  open for
> comments, which must be submitted by October 21.
> Richard
> *Richard T. Foltin, Esq.*Director of National and Legislative Affairs
> Office of Government and International Affairs
> Washington, DC
> P: (202) 785-5463, F: (202) 659-9896
> folt...@ajc.org
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> follow me at www.Twitter.com/rfoltin
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> *From:* religionlaw-boun...@lists.ucla.edu [mailto:
> religionlaw-boun...@lists.ucla.edu] *On Behalf Of *Ira Lupu
> *Sent:* Friday, August 22, 2014 3:59 PM
> *To:* Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
> *Subject:* Re: "Administration to ‘Augment’ ACA Contraceptive Rules"
> Thanks, Tom.  I cannot get either link to work.  Have others been able to
> access these documents?
> May I ask if the expansion of the accommodation to for-profits is a
> proposal put out for notice and comment over a prescribed number of days?
> Chip
> On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 3:46 PM, Berg, Thomas C. <tcb...@stthomas.edu>
> wrote:
> The two proposals from HHS are out now:
> http://www.ofr.gov/OFRUpload/OFRData/2014-20252_PI.pdf (interim final
> rules allowing non-profits to notify HHS to claim the accommodation)
> http://www.ofr.gov/OFRUpload/OFRData/2014-20254_PI.pdf (proposal to
> expand the accommodation to closely held for-profits)
> -----------------------------------------
> Thomas C. Berg
> James L. Oberstar Professor of Law and Public Policy
> University of St. Thomas School of Law
> MSL 400, 1000 LaSalle Avenue
> Minneapolis, MN   55403-2015
> Phone: 651 962 4918
> Fax: 651 962 4881
> E-mail: tcb...@stthomas.edu
> SSRN: http://ssrn.com/author='261564
> Weblog: http://www.mirrorofjustice.blogs.com
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* religionlaw-boun...@lists.ucla.edu [
> religionlaw-boun...@lists.ucla.edu] on behalf of Marty Lederman [
> lederman.ma...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Friday, August 15, 2014 11:05 AM
> *To:* Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
> *Subject:* Re: "Administration to ‘Augment’ ACA Contraceptive Rules"
> I blogged about it here:
> http://balkin.blogspot.com/2014/07/confirmation-that-supreme-courts.html
> DOJ has now told the 10th Circuit that the new reg will be issued no later
> than a week from today (Aug. 22).
> On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 11:54 AM, Conkle, Daniel O. <con...@indiana.edu>
> wrote:
> This is old news, but I hadn’t seen it and so pass it along in case others
> missed it as well.
> Administration to ‘Augment’ ACA Contraceptive Rules
> July 24 — The Obama administration intends to issue interim final rules
> within a month regarding the “accommodations” granted to religious
> nonprofit organizations that object to providing contraceptive coverage
> under the Affordable Care Act, according to a government brief
> <http://www.bloomberglaw.com/public/document/Little_Sisters_of_the_Poor_et_al_v_Burwell_et_al_Docket_No_130154>
> filed July 22 (Little Sisters of the Poor v. Burwell, 10th Cir., No.
> 13-1540, brief filed 7/22/14).
> . . . . .
> “The Wheaton College injunction does not reflect a final Supreme Court
> determination that RFRA requires the government to apply the accommodations
> in this manner,” the July 22 DOJ brief said. “Nevertheless, the Departments
> responsible for implementing the accommodations have informed us that they
> have determined to augment the regulatory accommodation process in light of
> the Wheaton College injunction and that they plan to issue interim final
> rules within a month. . . .”
> “The administration believes the accommodation is legally sound, but in
> light of the Supreme Court order regarding Wheaton College, the departments
> intend to augment their regulations to provide an alternative way for
> objecting non-profit religious organizations to provide notification, while
> ensuring that enrollees in plans of such organizations receive separate
> coverage of contraceptive services without cost sharing,” a senior
> administration official told reporters in a briefing July 22. The official
> spoke on condition of anonymity.
> Bloomberg BNA, U.S. Law Week (subscription required)
> http://news.bna.com/lwln/LWLNWB/split_display.adp?fedfid=50879221&vname=lw1notallissues&fcn=56&wsn=498320000&fn=50879221&split=0
> Daniel O. Conkle
> ************************************************
> Daniel O. Conkle
> Robert H. McKinney Professor of Law
> Indiana University Maurer School of Law
> Bloomington, Indiana  47405
> (812) 855-4331
> fax (812) 855-0555
> e-mail con...@indiana.edu
> ************************************************
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> --
> Ira C. Lupu
> F. Elwood & Eleanor Davis Professor of Law, Emeritus
> George Washington University Law School
> 2000 H St., NW
> Washington, DC 20052
> (202)994-7053
> Co-author (with Professor Robert Tuttle) of "Secular Government, Religious
> People" ( Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2014))
> My SSRN papers are here:
> http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=181272#reg
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