I think Greg is too pessimistic. What is really at issue is what 
"accommodation" requires. Even in these parlous times, I suspect that most 
people, elite and non-elite, would agree that a Jewish postal worker should be 
allowed not to work on Yom Kippur and that a non-Jewish worker should agree to 
fill in, in part because the Jewish worker will gladly reciprocate on, say, 
Good Friday. Similarly, I'd be truly shocked if anyone on this list disapproves 
of the defacto DOJ policy.

But "accommodation," for me, does not extend to a postal worker's unwillingness 
to deliver mail to a Planned Parenthood office or to the Sons of the 
Confederacy. And so on...


Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 9, 2015, at 5:17 PM, Sisk, Gregory C. 
<gcs...@stthomas.edu<mailto:gcs...@stthomas.edu>> wrote:

I wonder how long the DOJ policy will survive, though, in an era in which 
accommodating the values of others with which one strongly disagrees appears to 
be no longer in favor, especially among the elites, and accusations of malice 
or bad faith or bigotry are so quick to be made in so many circles.  The 
present scorched earth approach to political and legal policymaking, from both 
sides of the political spectrum when they take power, is depressing.

Gregory Sisk
Laghi Distinguished Chair in Law
University of St. Thomas School of Law (Minnesota)
MSL 400, 1000 LaSalle Avenue
Minneapolis, MN  55403-2005
Publications:  http://ssrn.com/author=44545

[mailto:religionlaw-boun...@lists.ucla.edu] On Behalf Of Levinson, Sanford V
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2015 12:52 PM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics 
Subject: Re: Davis doubles down

Fortunately, this very sensible policy is the result of political prudence and 
not adversarial litigation.


Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 9, 2015, at 1:49 PM, Brian Landsberg 
<blandsb...@pacific.edu<mailto:blandsb...@pacific.edu>> wrote:
Yes,  the policy, though unstated, dates back at least to the early 1970’s.  I 
was excused from processing Vietnam war protestors, at a time when most of the 
Department’s lawyers were needed because of the large number detained at RFK 
Stadium. In addition to various briefs that I was excused from signing, I 
recall that even Solicitor General Griswold refused to sign a Supreme Court 
paper in a busing case; only Attorney General Kleindienst’s name appeared, a 
strong signal that the Court should pay little attention to the filing.  [Of 
course, Griswold was fired as part of a general house-cleaning after Pres. 
Nixon was re-elected].

[mailto:religionlaw-boun...@lists.ucla.edu] On Behalf Of Sisk, Gregory C.
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2015 10:31 AM
To: 'Law & Religion issues for Law Academics'
Cc: 'Michael Dorf'; 'Dellinger, Walter'; 'Howard Wasserman'
Subject: RE: Davis doubles down

The Department of Justice long had (and I hope still has) a policy of 
accommodating the religious and civil consciences of its lower-level lawyers as 
well when possible in terms of assignments.  During my time at DOJ  many years 
ago, a lawyer who objected to the “don’t-ask-don’t-tell” policy of the military 
was respected in asking not to be assigned those cases.  I exercised the option 
to request reassignment once in an appeal where the government was insisting 
that a Jewish seminary reinstate an individual who had taken leave for military 
service, which I thought (on religious and moral, beyond legal grounds) was an 
improper intrusion of the state into the operation of a theological institution.

Then-Chief Judge Patricia Wald of the D.C. Circuit spoke approvingly of this 
With changes in administrations, many government counsel understand that, at 
least in DOJ, lawyers are not required, at the peril of ending their careers, 
to represent government policy that collides with their most fundamental 
beliefs. . . . This kind of leeway is wise policy for an agency; given that the 
government is a vast enterprise required to take on a multitude of subjects, 
the possibilities of both conflict and substitution are greater. It is also 
wise for government counsel to take their employer up on the offer: Their 
discomfort is often discernible to the court, and no government counsel should 
be asked to ignore deeply felt convictions (so long as he does not have too 
Patricia M. Wald, “For the United States”: Government Lawyers in Court, 61 Law 
& Contemp. Probs. 107, 121 (Winter 1998).

Gregory Sisk
Laghi Distinguished Chair in Law
University of St. Thomas School of Law (Minnesota)
MSL 400, 1000 LaSalle Avenue
Minneapolis, MN  55403-2005
Publications:  http://ssrn.com/author=44545

[mailto:religionlaw-boun...@lists.ucla.edu] On Behalf Of Doug Laycock
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2015 10:05 AM
To: 'Law & Religion issues for Law Academics' 
Cc: 'Michael Dorf' <miked...@gmail.com<mailto:miked...@gmail.com>>; 'Dellinger, 
Walter' <wdellin...@omm.com<mailto:wdellin...@omm.com>>; 'Howard Wasserman' 
Subject: RE: Davis doubles down

I don’t know that the Attorney General analogy is particularly helpful one way 
or the other. But for what it’s worth, it very occasionally happens that high 
ranking lawyers in the Justice Department refuse to sign a brief because of 
principled disagreement with the position asserted. These are generally, 
probably always, legal objections, not religious objections. The others file 
the brief.

Not only has the absence of the dissenter’s name been thought to sufficiently 
disassociate him, but if it’s a name that would normally be in the brief, it’s 
absence makes a powerful statement to a Court accustomed to seeing that name on 
every government brief.

Similarly, the absence of Kim Davis’s name in a place where it would normally 
appear makes a powerful statement of her refusal to participate to anyone 
familiar with the forms. On the other hand, it may go entirely unnoticed by a 
couple unfamiliar with the forms.

Douglas Laycock
Robert E. Scott Distinguished Professor of Law
University of Virginia Law School
580 Massie Road
Charlottesville, VA  22903

[mailto:religionlaw-boun...@lists.ucla.edu] On Behalf Of James Oleske
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2015 12:12 AM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
Cc: Michael Dorf; Dellinger, Walter; Howard Wasserman
Subject: Re: Davis doubles down

Kevin writes: "It would have been odd, for example, if Kentucky's Attorney 
General had said that he would not be defending Kentucky's marriage law, but 
that his office would continue to do so through his deputy. It made sense that 
the state hired private counsel instead."

I'm not sure this analogy works. It's one thing for an AG to refuse to have 
their office defend a law based on the AG's conclusion that a district judge 
correctly found the law to be unconstitutional and that the Supreme Court is 
likely to agree. It is quite another for an AG to refuse to have their office 
defend a law based solely on the AG's religious objection to the law. The idea 
that we wouldn't have state lawyers defend state laws based on  state AGs' 
religious objections to those laws strikes me as extremely odd.

Back to Davis, my point was not that she hasn't preserved the "on her 
authority" argument for objecting to the issuance of "Rowan County Clerk's 
Office" licenses. It appears that she has preserved that argument. But given 
Marty's comparison of that argument to the complicity arguments in the 
contraception case, I thought it was worth noting that her lawyers specifically 
argued in their latest filing that her claim should be viewed as more modest 
than the claims in the contraception cases and they framed that argument by 
emphasizing (their emphasis, not mine) the phrase "devoid of her name."

Finally, in judging the burden a claimed accommodation imposes on the 
government, I'm inclined to think that we need to look at more than the 
logistical issue of whether "the government could easily substitute another 
official." It seems to me that requiring the government to modify the use of 
government office names to satisfy the religious beliefs of government 
employees imposes a burden (and raises concerns) beyond logistics. 
(Alternatively, perhaps this is all best approached not by focusing on the 
burden on government, but instead, the lack of a cognizable burden on plaintiff 
per Roy and Lyng).

- Jim

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