I was following up this thread, and I could sense the undertone of
enthusiasm, and if I may share these are my comments:

1. The title of the thread "Christian Egyptians should......" = They
should, casting responsibility on a third person
This in itself assumes that the responsibility is dispersed on others.
Sender is in no position to assume that others would abide by personal
2. As a result, to the first casting of the problem on a third person,
the solution - logically - is derived from the third person.
'Billionairs willing', so the idea is been answered by an x person
3. The whole process proceeded to revise history of such projects.
4. No practical steps were concluded, even the whole thread was
decorated by a very few coptic words

I hope no one is offended, and to think in a positive way rather than
being negative, this is my personal understanding of the RemEnKimi

1. RemEnKimi: assumes no third person is involved in personal thoughts,
therefore, there are no invitations to anyone to do anything
2. RemEnKimi: interest in Coptic language (group interest)  is personal
!!! starts not by wishes, good dreams, or even plans it starts by the
person trying to communicate IN COPTIC, not ABOUT coptic
3. RemEnKimi: the website and yahoogroup & other related stuff works
through  'I DO this NOW' 

For self critcism:
I see what I'm doing is part of the mumbling that I shared, which on one
hand is positive, to communicate, but negative as it inherently declares
that we could not have such discussion in Coptic language

On Sun, 22 Jul 2007 21:30:17 -0000
"ktmmina2000" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    Is any of these Coptic billionaires willing to support the revival
the Coptic culture?
If so, then nothing can stop this project; as we will have the 
financial and human resoursec. Good luck.

Kameal Mitry Mina

--- In RemEnKimi@yahoogroups.com, Julie Mossad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, in the recent past we've had many renaissances, Ragheb Moftah 
for Coptic Hymnology and Isaac Fanous for Coptic Iconography for 
example. This can be done if we all pull together and start a 
renaissance. There are 5 Coptic Billionaires in the world the poorest 
of which is worth $1.6 Billion. We have resources, we just don't know 
how to use them...yet!
> Kameal Mina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I think this is a 
huge project to start; it requires financial support and devotion 
from certain individuals ( Coptic language, arts, music, and culture 
in general). We need some one like Eleizer Ben-Yehuda, who revived 
the Hebrew language in the late 19th century and almost 7 millions 
are speaking this language now. May be wealthy Copts can support 
these efforts.
> Kameal Mitry Mina
> ---------------------------------
> From: Julie Mossad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: RemEnKimi@yahoogroups.com
> To: RemEnKimi@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Re: [RemEnKimi] Christian Egyptians should speak Coptic, 
NOT Arabic!
> Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 22:02:00 -0700 (PDT)
> Well, I don't live in Egypt, but we have here in California 
the St. Shenouda Society for Coptic Studies, there is also the St 
Mark foundation. The church here doesn't help much either. Anyway, if 
anyone is interested, there is a Masters degree program in Macquarie 
University in Ausrtalia. The program is completely online, and of 
course history, art, music, language (sahidic, bohairic, fayoumic, 
and akhmimic) and culture are all covered in the program. This is one 
step we can take toward the awarness of our people of the rich 
history and culture we posses outside of the arab culture.
> Sam Gam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I agree with you 100%. 
> We try to increase the people awarness down here in Egypt, but 
the church is not helping that much in this side, an. 
> Also, there are no summer schools in Egypt where we can subscribe 
our children to learn spoken and written Coptic or Hearogliphic 
> If you have any idea where we can subscribe our children in Cairo 
or Giza, please tell me.
> Also, if there are other people who are interested, we can gather 
our forces and establish one, if there are not any. Let us act 
> Thanks,
> Sam
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Julie Mossad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: RemEnKimi@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 10:25:47 AM
> Subject: Re: [RemEnKimi] Christian Egyptians should speak Coptic, 
NOT Arabic!
> we shouldn't only learn the language (which is very important) 
we should all learn about the culture and history of our forefathers. 
The history and culture that was lost with the entrance of Islam!
> Ankhiema'Djehuty <ankhemadjehuty@ yahoo.com> wrote: Nofri 
entoten! I want to be so bold as to say that if
> Coptic Christians who truly are NiRemenkimi should
> abandon the Arabic language altogether and relearn the
> tongue of our Forefathers and ancestors, our yodi
> which is Tiaspi en Remenkimi!!! Rashi O Kimi, Rashi O
> Kimi for the return of the tongue of our yodi!!!!
> Oujai khan ebchois! PetiOusiri AnkhefKhonsu
> --- markoc14000 <markoc14000@ yahoo.com> wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > hanhikwn ;naiguptoc
> > 
> > http://freecopts. net/forum/ showthread. php?t=7913
> > <http://freecopts. net/forum/ showthread. php?t=7913>
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
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> aly;wc anecty Qen ome;myi aftwnf
> `,rictoc anecty Pi`,rictoc aftwnf
> aly;wc anecty Qen ome;myi aftwnf
> `,rictoc anecty Pi`,rictoc aftwnf
> aly;wc anecty Qen ome;myi aftwnf

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