
I guess that last email got to the rest of you but I did not receive it!
Guess it went to the great bit-bucket black hole in the sky!


-----Original Message-----
From: Neil McKie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 6:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] GE Stuff.....


  You just can't win them all ...


Paul Finch wrote:
> Hello,
> After much thought, I did remember that the Master II was the
> 11.2 MHz IF, it was the GE PE and MVP series handie talkies that
> were 20 something MHz IF.  Sorry, I made the goof.
> Paul
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 4:12 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] GE Stuff.....
> Paul Finch wrote:
> > OK,
> > Here goes.  There is always going to be some similarities in radio
> equipment
> > because of the current existing technology.  Look at the similarity
> between
> > the cell phones out today that are built by different companies, are
> > all stealing each other's designs?  I don't think so!
> >
> > Read my response> below.
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Kevin Custer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 1:10 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] GE Stuff.....
> >
> >
> > Paul Finch wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Kevin,
> >>
> >>Explain please!  The only thing I see is the TCXO's that are even
> >>close.
> >>
> >
> >
> > Similarities in Mobiles:
> > Control Head.
> >
> > Response> Motorola white and grey and squared corners, GE Beige and tan
> and
> > rounded corners.  Everybody had gone plastic at that time due to cost.
> Real
> > close!
> >
> Look at the knobs, and how they are recessed. Not to mention the
> 'break-away' bracket!
> <snip>
> > Channelized Crystal Elements.
> >
> > Response> Like I said, this is the only real thing I can see that is
> similar
> > but still not really the same circuit!
> >
> Mighty, mighty close!
> >
> > 5 Pole HR in a casting that is not soldered to the PC board.
> > Response> This style of helical resonator is the best for selectivity, I
> > think the noisy cities we live in drove this design.  Johnson, RCA 1000
> and
> > other serious manufactures also used this number of helical resonators,
> did
> > they copy Motorola?  (RCA did copy the Master II and paid big time!)
> >
> Basically, yes.
> >
> > Dual Hysteresis Squelch.
> >
> > Response> May have gotten the idea from Motorola but did not copy the
> > circuit.
> Yes they did. Look at the schematic.
> >
> >
> > Single Conversion Receiver, with 11 meg I-F frequency.
> >
> > Response> GE's was 21.4 I believe and this was driven by cost as must as
> > anything else, it's just cheaper and some people think it keeps down
> > intermod.
> >
> Nope-Micor VHF was 11.7, MII VHF was 11.2
> >
> > Same number of I-F poles.
> >
> > Response> Physics, that's just what it takes to have the required
> > selectivity.
> >
> >
> > Stable RF/AF circuitry operates on 10 volts (9.6 on the Micor)
> >
> > Response> GE's Master Pro ran their circuits on regulated 10 volts long
> > before Micor came out!
> >
> >
> > PA Protection (VSWR).
> >
> > Response> Yeah, they copied Motorola's protection circuit that only
> > more problems in the radio, I don't think GE had a SWR protection
> > at least I never had to work on one, I worked on a lot of Motorola
> > protection circuits.  GE did have power control.
> >
> >
> > Receiver Sensitivity.
> >
> > Response> How can that be copied????  Technology improved letting
> > improve receiver sensitivity!
> >
> >
> > Preamp is an option.
> >
> > Response> Everybody had that option!  Guess they all copied it!
> >
> >
> > Frequency Ranges  (Like 150.8 mc.)
> >
> > Response> I have no idea what you are getting at here, the frequency
> ranges
> > were/are set by the FCC, not Motorola!  If you mean the frequency bands
> the
> > radios covered, again physics have more to do with it than Motorola or
> > and those bands go back in some form for as long as radios have been
> around.
> >
> Actually, it's more band allocations than anything else...
> The big thing about much of the above is trying to copy the specs so
> that they could say that they meet the spec written by a Mot engineer.
> >
> > Size.
> >
> > Response> Right, while the overall footprint is close (but no cigar) the
> > height of the GE radio is a 1/2 inch less than the height of the Micor,
> > where is the similarity?  Motorola-Charcoal grey, GE-Beige.
> > GE    Length 19.0             Width   11.75   Height 2.5      Total
558.125 cubic inches
> > Micor Length 17.625   Width 13.0              Height 3.0      Total
687.375 cubic inches
> > You do the math....
> >
> >
> > Weight.
> >
> > Response> GE 25 pounds.  Micor 26 pounds.  This is with mounting plates.
> > GE's is very heavy metal plate and the Micor is a thin stamped plate.
> It's
> > obvious that the actual GE radio weighs less than the Micor since the
> plates
> > are so different.
> Thin stamped plate??? What Micor are you looking at? Every Micor bracket
> I've seen uses the same thickness metal as MII's.
> >
> > Gee, there are hardly any similarities now that I look at it.....
> > Get real......
> >
> > Kevin Custer
> >
> > Response> Gee, lets keep this up, I am having a lot of fun while
> > back some great memories!  What this comes down to is you think Motorola
> > developed all the good radio technology, simply not true!  I have worked
> on
> > both, I like both but prefer the GE radios.  Show me an actual circuit
> that
> > is similar, that's what counts!
> Again, look at the schematics.
>   Some things like PA's and oscillators are
> > so generic there is only one way to design them but there is a lot of
> > differences between the Master II and Micor radios.  If Motorola truly
> > thought GE copied their design Motorola would have been all over GE,
> > like GE got all over RCA!
> GE changed it JUST enough to prevent that.
> --
> Jim
> --------
> "The higher you are, the harder it is to pump."
> -Cleveland Mayor Jane Cambell, after the big black-out of 2003
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