Mike Perryman wrote:
I had a guy in Topeka, KS check in on our machine July 6 of last year.  He 
was using a mobile rig, and a 5/8 wave mag-mount stuck to a filing cabinet 
in his office.  Wicked opening...  only QSL card I have ever sent for a 
repeater contact..  LOL!!

I remember that opening.  I talked to a guy mobiling around Des Moines Iowa.  He said "um, your machine is covering up the local 2-7."  <grin>
I think the last time we spoke was shortly after 9-11...  so it's been a 
while.  Seems like I also remember that machine being used to coordinate 
support for the 9-11 flight that crashed up there.

Most on my machines were utilized during the aftermath of the United Flight 93 crash.
< It's cool just like it is...  we run a CTCSS of 79.7

Cool.  I prefer to keep this one carrier squelch as most of my other repeaters are PL'ed.
BTW, wasn't KQ3M your father-in-laws (SK) call or something like that.

KQ3M was a dear friend and long time neighbor of mine.  He was Les Trice's uncle, and one hell of a CW operator.  It was he that got my speed up so I could pass the 13 WPM so I could upgrade.
My late fathers call, W3WGX, is on another high profile machine of mine.

anyway, don't fret about it.  But 
don't be surprised if you hear me giving you a call on your repeater 
sometime when the conditions are "right"..  It has been tempting to do so 
in the past..

Call any time.  I usually monitor it while I'm here at the computer.


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